A little worried!
OH Certified Support Group Leader
Pasadena Support Group 2nd Monday at 6:30pm
Katy Krew Support Group 4th Monday at 6:30pm
'This is my glock, There are many like it, but this one is MINE.' R Lee Ermey
Michael, Your "symptoms" sound like you are doing it the right way. Stopping BEFORE you experience nausea or pain. If you find you are hungry all the time, then there would be a worry. But missing out on pain and agony? Count your blessings. If you said you were able to eat - a couple of Snicker’s Bars with a Pint of Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey With no problems? That’d be cause for some concern. I’m assuming that you haven’t had a Dumping episode, Because you haven’t been making poor food choices. The gulp of water? That goes right on through, so unless you down a fast 16ozs It shouldn’t be too difficult to pull off. At 4+years post-op, I can pretty much ‘chug’ water. But eating a chicken breast? One is pretty much the limit, then I’m stuffed. A big contrast to my Pre-Op ability to rip through a bucket of Fried Chicken with multiple sides, All washed down with around 2 liters of Diet Coke. As your food options get to be denser, You will come closer to feeling your limits. I spent nearly a year spitting the last bite of a meal into a napkin. As far as the "Dumping?" about 4 out of 10 find they are able to eat sweets with little to no drawbacks. Some just feel sleepy. It is best to assume you are one who will react to sweets like food poisoning. If you "Test the Waters" with sweets, you may have a very unpleasant episode, Or worse yet, find that there is nothing there to prevent you from doing so often. For the time being? Make hay while the sun shines! Lose as much weight as you can while the "Gettin’s Good." Are you a 3 meal a day program? Or 5 to 6 mini-meals program? I feed 5 to 6 times a day and that has made it easy for me To never be hungry, and therefore never feel an urge to over indulge. New Habits, have made it easier for me to refrain from over-eating And making multiple poor food choices. "Protein First, Then Veggies, then with the leftover room, low-glycemic Carbs, Then, whatever...." By the time I get to the " Then, whatever..." I'm usually so full I couldn't begin to try. Enjoy your smooth start! Best Wishes- Dx
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable