Water Slides and Sirloin FART
So what do these things have in common?
I hit 'em both today for the first time in my new life.
I had the pleasure of taking my pride and joy (my son for you non-parent types) to Schlitterbahn Galveston today. I never thought I would be able to have fun at a waterpark due to my size in the past. There's just something about 440 pounds of man going down a 100 foot slide and draining the splash pool at the bottom that really doesn't set well with lifeguard type people. HOWEVER.....when a 250 pounder does it it's still pretty funny to watch him pull the underwear enema out of his a$$ but the fact remains...........I DID IT!!!!!! Not to mention that I even got hit on by a couple of hotties while I was there. Good thing I had on the Under Armour shirt to keep the skin flaps tucked in and under control! Not only that, but I was able to ride in the tubes without worrying about the popping under my fat a$$ or falling out of them because they can't contain my girth. AND.....the park had "double tubes" available and I was able to use one to ride around WITH my son. It was freakin' awesome. The coolest part about that was being able to get him settled on his side, then actually manuever myself onto the tube without flipping us over and out into the water. Hoo Yah!
Following a great day of fun in the sun, I was absolutely STARVING!!! A sensation I have not known in a long time. So, being too tired to cook at home tonight, I took my lovely bride out to dinner. There it was....8 oz Sirloin....grilled to order.....calling my name. I knew there was no way I could down the whole thing, I figured I could put a hell of a dent in it and hopefully if all went well have some more for tomorrow. Guess what.......it was wonderful!!! I got down about 2-3 oz of good ole RED MEAT!! Argh Argh Argh Argh!!! I felt like a true carnivore again! Protein that didn't used to have feathers or fins!
Lots of FARTs in one day! How blessed can one man be?
Thank you all for being my support group and new extended family! Let's keep our brother Bob in prayer and continue to lift one another up every day as well. I hope everyone here has a great week!
Being a loser is the greatest victory you will ever know!

Life is great, Rick