Loser Yes......Loser Still
Daniel Patrick Fluharty, NBCT
Be yourself, nobody can tell you that you are doing it wrong!!
Daniel, Watching your much older posts used to make me think- "Anorexia on the horizon?" I worried about you. I was so happy to read when you got your weight at a level that pleased your doc, and that you were living healthy. As for not feeling like the champion you are? That’s a challenge for anyone with left-over self esteem issues. Keep a Therapist on the payroll, and work to pick up Coping mechanisms to help you see yourself as the Success that you are. The non-Med / Psyche related advice? Find yourself a worshiper or two! Get in a short-term Relationship (social or closer) With someone who looks up to you. Can just be a side-kick. Nothing like being the Lead Character in someone else’s novel For a boost to the esteem. I don’t mean feed off their energy and give them nothing in return. Short-term relationships can be mutually beneficial. Look around. There’s someone (other than you right now) Who would love to have some of your attention. Take that someone to lunch. (well, ok, excluding students!) I see it happen all the time with Grad students at the university. They hook up with an adoring undergrad, and "Bam!" They both feel lucky to be in the other’s presence. The under-grad for hooking up with a superior, And the grad for feeling slightly worshiped. Now isn’t that an analytical and PC way of saying- "You Need to Get Some!" Because, by "Some," I truly don’t just mean you need to get laid. (although that too helps immensely. I’m told.) "Some," in this case, expresses Love, friendship, compassion, attention, etc… All those good things that we get from others. Be an Attention *****! Little kids know the value of it… "Look at me!" / "Look what I can Do!" / "Watch This!" "Look at Me…." They still feel the nurturing value of attention. You need some of that to help you through…. (I’m guessing…) Best mirror in the world to show you who you Can be Is the eyes of someone who loves/admires you. Go find that person and look in there eyes a lot Till you find the real, successful, and Winning You! Best Wishes- Dx Sorry for the long babble.....
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable