Study Proves Studies FOS
Hey Guys,
After reading about the studies regarding wls in my and gotoman's recent posts, I have decided to publish the results of the Doug Such Study to End Studies Study. Here is my finding:
Extensive research indicates that studies are unreliable, including this study.
(Wondering what FOS means? Well, some years ago, a relative went to the doctor complaining of sluggishness. After checking her over, his diagnosis was "You're FOS." Asked what FOS meant, he said--no joking, this is true story--"FOS means full of sh*t.")
If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester
How so Doug?
I’ve just scanned them…..
What the tail-tail sign of “stink in the diaper?”
Best Wishes-
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
Ah, Dx, you've caught me out. In fact, I do think these particular studies are onto something. I wasn't really challenging them but thinking that we can surely expect studies attacking them to follow and studies refuting the refutations . . . It's the nature of the beast, methinks.
I get a kick out of how often various studies contradict, qualify, modify, and refute one another. So I twisted the old logic puzzle "All statements are false, including this statement that all statements are false" into a twisted joke based on a puzzlement about how one could reliably conduct a study to find out whether studies are reliable.
My wise wife insists that my skepticism regarding "proofs" should be applied to itself and and kept to myself, and, in the deepest cut of all, points out that jokes of this sort aren't funny. I manfully reply, "Yessir, m'am."
I remain, your humble skeptic.
If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester
……ah… A young man searches out the wisest guru on the planet. The young man asks- "Oh great wise master, it is said that paradox is the core of all great truths. Is this so?
The Wise Master answers-
…..and No."
Best Wishes-
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable