Need a reality check please!

Cameron M.
on 8/21/07 3:15 pm - Abilene, TX
Ok, I know that you guys will be honest with me, I need a kick in the pants. In a post I made on this board earlier today I mentioned the fact that I am king of rationalization especially when it comes to food related issues. I am still relatively newly post-op and as is expected, I am having difficulty getting all my fluids in. I absolutely hate artificial sweeteners because of the aftertaste they leave (even Splenda). For some reason though, I love the taste of ice tea w/ sweet n low. I started out making decaf, but found that it just doesn't tast normal but the regular tastes great!  Here's my problem/justification... I understand that caffeine acts as a diuretic which is why we can't count it as our water... however I am now off of my bloodpressure meds, which as I understand it, they are diuretics as well. (much stronger than caffeine) I have justified to myself drinking the regular tea and counting it the same as water because my doc didn't change my water intake requirements before or after my BP meds. Honestly... how bad is this? I do drink water as well, but maybe only 20oz out of my 64oz+ each day, the rest is usually tea. The only exception to this is when I am doing something outside in the heat, I always drink water outside in the heat.

Cameron M.

Dave G.
on 8/21/07 3:46 pm - Garden Grove, CA
You're right - the caffiene does make you pee.  Not to mention that, depending on how far you're out, it can also hinder your healing.  Something about making the capillaries close and blood flow can't get where it's needed.  I think Dx can shed more light on that - I just know the caffiene part because I'm a coffee freak, and made myself stay away from cofffee until at least six weeks out, though now I can't remember how long. Here's what I do.  As I said, I'm a coffee addict.  I drink a cup of coffee - I make myself drink a bottle of water.  Sometimes I put Crystal Light "On the Go" in it - they have one that's an orange flavor that's not bad at all.  Currently, because of the heat here in Orange County this year, I'm starting to try to pu**** to two non-caffinated beverages (water) between coffee drinks.   That being said - with the tea - at least you're getting SOMETHING in.  I'd just suggest sucking it up and getting the water in.  It's hard - especially shortly after the surgery.  I felt like I was ALWAYS drinking something.  Another idea, something akin to self-torture.  Get yourself a timer.  I use a Gym Boss timer - www dot gymboss dot com.  Set it for five minutes.  Everytime it beeps and buzzes, sip something.  Water is best.  Water is always best.   What might also help get the water down is making sure it's ice cold.  I can't do warm water.  I know there are guys in here that swear that they can't do cold water, and have to have it room temperature, but that's not my experience.  Having it ice cold really makes it easy to drink for me. Good luck!
Dx E
on 8/21/07 8:54 pm - Northern, MS
Cam, Not so bad really.... Even without rationalization. Although Caffeine IS a MILD Diuretic, It is often presented without the "Mild," And its powers to dehydrate us are often Overstated. Yes, it does contribute to dehydration but not at A level that is significantly higher Than talking a walk Or being exposed to "Air Conditioned" Air For a prolonged time. A 1999 study in the Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology looked at the effects of high- dose pre-exercise caffeine ingestion in two separate double-blind trials with trained runners (all male) and found no significant impact on hydration at all. Of course, when ever you can, get in some plain ole water. If adding flavor/tea to your water makes you drink more, Then do that, Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

(deactivated member)
on 8/21/07 10:52 pm - Houston, TX
Hey Cam.... I agree with Dxe....the diuretic effect of caffiene, is over stated...there are larger diuretic effects...OJ, Watermellon, and god forbid Grapefruit.... I think the fluid part is important right after surgery,when you are just sipping...and the fluid helps you loose weight,,,,but we are not dehydrated...we drink more than normal people... I think the chemicals right after surgery on a fresh incision, and that capilary effect are what the doc are looking for...but a couple months after surgery...when you are on full solids... I don't see the problem.... Radishes make you pee, as does any Vit C... Russ
on 8/21/07 11:39 pm - Barboursville, WV

First off I guess your doc or nut has told you not to drink any thing with caffeine. With that being said everyone here always says follow there advice. My self I don't think a little caffiene is going to hurt you. The part that would be worry me is your ease at being able to justify things as you say. You knew coming in to this that you would be changing you habits and what you were eating and drinking to some degree. Today it is caffiene, tomorrow it may be three or four m&m's because five or six makes you dump, so once a hour your eating five m&m's. This period in your recovery is so you re-learn and change your eating habits.  As far as the artificial sweetner goes, if you keep drinking it you will get use to it. Years ago when changed to diet soda I thought it was the worst stuff in the world. I got use to it and when I was still drinking soda if I grabbed a regular one it tasted like syrup. Your tastes can and will change if you keep at it. Not drinkng soda was one of the hardest things I had to give up. It has now been a year and a half since I had one. I now drink SF drink mixes with water. I doubt that I will ever start back on soda again. I am a black and white person in a lot of ways. I try not to create any gray areas for my self if it is only going to make it easier for me start back into bad habits. Same thing I had to do with smoking, I am now a non-smoker. I didn't cut down, I had to just quit. I know evrything in life is not black and white, but where ever I can eliminate the gray areas I do Just my opinion and I know what they are worth.  pan head

on 8/22/07 11:25 pm
Thanks Dex!  Some people make you think that caffiene from coffee is gonna make you shrivel up and turn into a prune. I too have a hard time drinking water, but I love coffee.
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