Need a reality check please!
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
on 8/21/07 10:52 pm - Houston, TX
First off I guess your doc or nut has told you not to drink any thing with caffeine. With that being said everyone here always says follow there advice. My self I don't think a little caffiene is going to hurt you. The part that would be worry me is your ease at being able to justify things as you say. You knew coming in to this that you would be changing you habits and what you were eating and drinking to some degree. Today it is caffiene, tomorrow it may be three or four m&m's because five or six makes you dump, so once a hour your eating five m&m's. This period in your recovery is so you re-learn and change your eating habits. As far as the artificial sweetner goes, if you keep drinking it you will get use to it. Years ago when changed to diet soda I thought it was the worst stuff in the world. I got use to it and when I was still drinking soda if I grabbed a regular one it tasted like syrup. Your tastes can and will change if you keep at it. Not drinkng soda was one of the hardest things I had to give up. It has now been a year and a half since I had one. I now drink SF drink mixes with water. I doubt that I will ever start back on soda again. I am a black and white person in a lot of ways. I try not to create any gray areas for my self if it is only going to make it easier for me start back into bad habits. Same thing I had to do with smoking, I am now a non-smoker. I didn't cut down, I had to just quit. I know evrything in life is not black and white, but where ever I can eliminate the gray areas I do Just my opinion and I know what they are worth. pan head