Food Hangaround in the Pouch?

NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 8/19/07 2:38 pm - Japan

Some of you may remember that my wife makes a daily chicken salad concoction out of finely food processed chicken & veggies (with mayo).

At 10:30 this morning I ate some of that. Then, at 1:30,I thought I'd eat some more. Come to find that, even after three hours, I could only eat about half the amount eaten at 10:30.

Nice weight loss feature, wonder if anyone else has experienced this?


Dx E
on 8/19/07 2:57 pm - Northern, MS

Dave, With really dense Proteins/meats- Like after an Ostrim snack or two… The food stays put in my pouch till I wa**** through by drinking water. "Drinking" is the key term there. If I just sip a little before my next "Feeding" I’ll still be partially "full." I tend to eat about 2 ½ to 3 ½ hours apart. So far, my food seems to "hang around" In my pouch between 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 hours fairly regularly. One gulp of water will speed it up, But I can snack on crushed Ice for quite a while with apparently Not emptying my pouch. Yes, it’s a "Tool." And one that I have taken the liberty of "playing with" To figure out what mine actually does… Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 8/19/07 3:56 pm - Japan


Crushed ice, now there's a good idea! I'll have to try the washout some time for now, I'm just enjoying being full. Probably ideal to have a consistent calorie intake though so insulin/ glucagon doesn't go haywire and cause more hunger/ uncessary fat gain. I'm not anywhere close to an organized diet. Seriously considering the macronutrient cycling (balance: 60/30/10) of the Natural Hormonal Enhancement Diet. I've heard calorie reduction/ weight loss in the fall (comes early here) can actually help ward off the hibernation blahs. 

Love those Ostrims when I'm back in the states. Hard to beat those for real meat protein concentration.

Do you know anything about the nitrate (nitrite?) in those? I'm a little leary of eating much ham or sausage for that reason, but I'd certainly like to eat more of those.




Dx E
on 8/19/07 10:19 pm - Northern, MS
Dave, They do contain Sodium Nitrate as preservative but very low (next to last) on ingredient list.  Way lower than Ham, Bacon, Jerky or such. I keep a few in my briefcase all the time For a snack if I'm not near "fresh un-processed food." My dietary intake is pretty regimented even though It has much variety. I'm an "Eat by the clock" sort of person. It's worked for me so far. Best Wishes- Dx
NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 8/20/07 5:20 am - Japan


It's great that you can do that.

You have succeeded (much more than succeeded - in many ways), so it obviously works really well for you.

I'm *usually* keenly aware of the weekday and the month, but the date and time of day - only on a *need to know* basis. I can wake up at 4:00 without an alarm and have never ever used a calendar book, so I think there's something sensual happening. I can be artistic, but am inherently poor at anything that involves looking at charts or gauges. Adding in anything "by the clock" at this stage of the game would stress me out. 

So the macronutrient cycle (30-60 carb limit for cycles of 3 and 4 days, with a carb only load the evening of the final day). Might be the best thing for me. Not sure if I need any diet now, body fat has dropped another percentage point, but it will be fun to see how low I can go at this age while still building muscle.

Best Wishes,


on 8/20/07 12:20 am - Baton Rouge, LA

Since I rarely eat solid foods during the week I guess my food never hangs around in my pouch.   It's 9AM here and I've already drank 2 10 ounce protein shakes (42 grams of protein each) 68 ounces of water and 8 ounces of a creatine drink.  

NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 8/20/07 5:23 am - Japan

Hi Kyp,

That would probably not stick around. The chicken salad "balls up" from the different veggies in it. I still end up drinking shakes in the morning and before my evening meal. They are still a good way of making sure the protein gets in.


on 8/20/07 12:10 pm
Dave, something you said a week or two ago caught my eye.  Did you mention you chop your chicken very fine for better absorbtion?  Just wondering if this theory is true.  I know I feel I get better absorbtion from peanut butter rather than from dry roasted peanuts.  Any thoughts people?
NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 8/20/07 12:38 pm - Japan


Hope you are well.

I could make another joke about the peanut butter and chopping your chicken, but everyone can probably use their imaginations.

My logic is, if it makes food more digestible for infants and some elderly, why wouldn't it for us? That's why I have my chicken and vegetables that are in the chicken salad food processed to near mush (plus, I like it).

By reverse logic, my protein "shakes" these days are really thick "one gulp" deals. I don't drink any other liquid at least one hour before or after these. My hunch is that this improves absorption, but don't know.

Hope this Helps,


on 8/20/07 1:11 pm
Dave, I am going to move this thread to the Main Board.  I'd like to copy and paste most of what you said in your last post.  Interesting and logical idea about absorbtion.  Is that OK?  Brian
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