Carb Counts - Anyone care to explain it again?

Cards Fan
on 8/16/07 1:21 pm
I've had this explained to me more than once, but I need it explained it's a good subject to review from time to time.  So Dx or someone much wiser than I or myself (which is it?)...please help! When reading food labels when calculating net carbs (for those who follow this rule of thumb) I know you can subtract Dietary Fiber and Sugar Alcohols to come up with Net Carb count.  But what about Soluble Fiber and Insoluble Fiber?  Can/should these be subtracted too in order to get the count? I get confused by this as well as the labels out there that say "Low Glycemic", but do not explain why or how they can claim this.  So, what I end up doing is passing up foods that are likely okay for me to have.  I'm not obsessive compulsive when it comes to food tracking in terms of calorie counts, fat grams, etc...but I do pay a bit closer attention to carbs more than anything else.  When it comes to deciphering these darn food labels at times it's difficult to determine what I'm really taking in. Dave from Japan had an interesting post earlier this week that got me thinking about this. Dx?  Anyone?  Bueller?  Bueller? Cards Fan
(deactivated member)
on 8/16/07 1:53 pm
Dx E
on 8/16/07 2:29 pm - Northern, MS

Yep, Total Grams of Carbs, Minus Grams of Fiber- (All fiber) Equals- Net Carbs, or "Impact Carbs." Where it gets crazy is when you start trying to calculate the impact carbs From Sugar Alcohols. No need to divide them out separately. Labels will list the Carbs from Sugar Alcohol in the Total Carbs. Yes? There are some "Food Nazi’s" that will scream bloody murder that- "ALL CARBS MUST BE COUNTED!" Those are usually the overly zealous ravings of the "newly-converted" Who are ready to "preach the gospel that saved them." They want the world and all of the "Rules" to be Black & White, When in actuality – "The Rules," are more like guidelines, and they are in Full Color! Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 8/16/07 4:10 pm - Japan

Glad I found this post, Dx.

Amazing, that I'd never previously noticed that information about carb diets .

I'm thinking about a low carb diet to kick off that macronutrient cycling diet by Faigin. So don't want to cause any more misery than is necessary (unless it relates to exercise).



(deactivated member)
on 8/16/07 11:38 pm - Houston, TX
Hey Cards Fan… Back in the day I did some research on this, it gets really complicated….I’ll try to make it short, and if someone wants some clairification I can go from there… There is a specific Lab test that is done for calories… There is a specific Lab test that is done for fats… There is a specific Lab test that is done for protein… There is NOT a specific Lab test that is done for carbs… So you take calories minus fats minus protein, and what they have left over they call carbs….(there is a fight between science people and medical people how to break them down…..) That is why fiber is included in carbs…..even though it has not nutritional value, it still give off calories….ok see a big hoopla Fiber is not absorbed in the intestine, and provide nutrition….it is fermented in the large intestine, and during fermentation it gives off heat…thus the claories…. Ok I hope that is clear…. Now the FDA  or whatever governing body does not have a term NET CARBS..they say that NET CARBS is a marketing ploy by manufacturers….that is how you can have a sweet candy bar, and it only have 2 net carbs….the carbs and calories are there…they say that the sugar alcohols don’t raise you glucose level, so they don’t count….that is really iffy…a calorie is a calorie,  unless it comes from fermentation…fiber… So yes…total cabs, minus fiber…give you the carb count…. But the alcohol sugars do count…..and just because something says “Sugar Free”…don’t make it so…..Coke has very little sugar….it has a lot of HIGH FUCTOSE CORN SYRUP… Ok I hope I didn’t make things worse… russ
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