Wednesday coffee talk
Good morning everyone! I hope you had a great nights sleep. It's time to rise and shine now though. Gotta get up and get going. Boy! It seems we just had Wednesday coffee talk. The days and weeks seem to just fly by. That's our challenge today. Slow down. Enjoy your day, your week, even your years. We live in a time that everything seems to "HAVE" to be done fast. Quick, quick, quick! Fast, fast, fast! Seems we hear this so often. Everywhere we go we hear poeple saying, I need this ASAP or just something about hurrying. We need to slow down. When we are in hurry mode, we tend to add anxiety to our lives and we get stressed. We also miss great things in our lives when we rush through. We miss our kids growing. We miss a grandchilds special moment. We miss enjoying life with our spouses. We miss special moments when we hurry. So let's try to slow down a little today. Make this a habit. Don't say you can't. You can. We all can. I plan on it! So, who's up this morning? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sitting here, slowly sipping and enjoying some wonderful Caramel Pecan. OH WOW! I'd give anything if I could share my coffee flavors with you guys. This one is so good. Enjoy your Wednesday and take it easy and slow! You'll be glad you did. I promise!