Hooked on too many carbs!!
Wow...has it been a long time since I've posted. I don't even recognize the guy in the avatar. I started out at 396 and am down to 238. I can begin to tell everyone how great I feel. With one exception......I feel that the excess of carbs that put me in the "fat seat" are coming back to bite me. I knew it was a vicious cycle that started the minute I had any carbs at all. ANy suggestions on how to bring them in to control. I have a protein daily and some meat. I enjoy eggs for their protein content. I feel my snacks are pretzels (not good) or crackers. I guess if I could find better snack choices, I wouldn't be drawn to the carbs. I'm "leary" of beef jerky because of it's dry texture and dry meats are already problematic for me. HELP!!!! I don't want to end up back where I started!!
I am still pre-op BUT trying to change the bad habits now. the one snack that I find fills the need is something called Mini Delights by Quaker. Come in different flavors and are pretty good for you for a smack. they are the only thing I will eat on a reguialr basis as a snack.
238? someday !!!
Good Luck
Well, we were close to the same starting weight (me 408) and close to the same current weight (me 235) and plateaued for this is the 6th week, so I kinda feel like this is the kettle calling the stove black but here what I do for snacking and carb avoidance:
If its white flour, its a no cross my lips food (reference to pretzels and crackers; my demon food is poptarts we have for my kids)
To avoid hunger pangs, it was recommended to me to have mid morning and and mid afternoon snacks. It would also mean the 3 meals a day should be smaller too as a results.
I eat a banana or apple and a 1-3 protein bars and two 16-20 oz bottles of water between breakfeast (8:00 a.m.ish) and lunch 12:00 noonish). A banana, apple and or 2 protein bars with 1-2 16-20 oz bottle waters in the afternoon. Sometimes I am not very hunger and just skip lunch or dinner. The protein bars could easily be replaced with a protein drink, fruit smoothie with protein or maybe some almonds. When I do beef jerky sometimes as a change of pace, I prefer the nuggetts over the flat standard jerky. They have more moisture but mmore than 3 or 4 chunks at a time make me feel ill.
So water, protein bars, fruit, yogurt, nuts, jerky nuggets, and water are the alternatives I would recommend over carbs. Find something that works for you. But remember, its not about something that tastes really good or you'll start eating it too much.
It is about what makes your body feel the best and is best for the body to operate at its best.
Protein and water are still the primary target foods.
Heres to your continued success!
I was told that nuts are a good way to go and so far they have helped me. Although they have protein you still have to be carefull because they are high in fat so you don't want to over do it. I have heard other people talk about pork rinds as being a solution for a snack although I would think the fat content may outweigh any benifit. You my want to check out the OSTRIM beef sticks. They are not dry like jerky and they have 14 grams of protein and only cost you 80 calories and 1.5 grams of fat. I think they taste great. Dan
For snacks, I use Atkins Advantage protein bars, dried apricots, dried plums, dried apples, triscuits with low fat cheese, Special K Protein, Cheerios, All Bran, Corn Chex (both dry and with low fat milk), soy nuts, soy crisps, dried smoked beef sausages (these are low in fat and have a lot of protein), low fat cottage cheese with fruit.
My wife has been making a pizza on whole wheat flat breads with low fat cheese and some turkey pepperoni. I can eat two slices. And, it is really good.
I probably left out a lot of stuff, but you get the idea.
On August 13, 2007 at 2:24 PM Pacific Time, Jim G. wrote:
For snacks, I use Atkins Advantage protein bars, dried apricots, dried plums, dried apples, triscuits with low fat cheese, Special K Protein, Cheerios, All Bran, Corn Chex (both dry and with low fat milk), soy nuts, soy crisps, dried smoked beef sausages (these are low in fat and have a lot of protein), low fat cottage cheese with fruit.
My wife has been making a pizza on whole wheat flat breads with low fat cheese and some turkey pepperoni. I can eat two slices. And, it is really good.
I probably left out a lot of stuff, but you get the idea. For snacks I have one oz. of almonds or an oz of cheese, Kroger low carb vanilla yogurt, sugar free jello, sugar free popcycles, sugar free pudding and even an oz of cashews. The key for me is weighing out the snacks prior and I keep them on hand already bagged. I also do the beef jerkey, just have to chew real well.
pan head

Hey Mike - carbs are tough to resist for sure.... Snacks i use are string cheese, SF jell-o pudding made with skim milk (i always have that made in the fridge), flavored almonds (smokehouse, garlic/onion), turkey pepperoni (great alternative to beef jerky - more moist, and can be nuked on a paper towel and they are crispy), SF life-savers candy........ You've had great success, just get your snacking back on track and you'll continue doing awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am baking a bit and it seems that there is nearly always a cake, pie or cookies hanging around but I limit myself to a small (and I mean small!) piece of cake or pie or a single cookie no more than 3 x a week. Most of the time I use SF popcicles, I go through 5 or 6 a day, mostly while watching TV at the end of the day. I also tend to eat a lot of jerky, yes it is dry but I chew it until it is nearly liquid. I can fill up on about 2 to 3 oz of jerky for a mid day meal. Fruit has a lot of carbs in it but then again so does the oatmeal I eat for breakfast (1/4 cup dry traditional quaker oats, 1/4 cup water and about 1/3 cup of chicken or beef chopped (about 3/4 cup of food after it is cooked) and mixed in eaten over an hour or more. I do eat bread but again no more than about 1slice a day (again home made) in the form of a 1/2 sandwitch.
Get it hot, hit it HARD,
Hammering away the pounds!
Hammering away the pounds!