Racing Firsts!
Hey guys,
This weekend the Indiana board went on an OH Campout in Middlebury, Indiana. It just
happened that they were having a Summer Festival with a one mile race on Friday night,
a 3K, 5K, and 10K on Saturday morning.
Friday night's one mile race was the first time I had ever just done a mile race. Thought it would
be fun. I was worried when I got my race number tho (see picture). Thought maybe it was a warning. The biggest challenge was dodging horse manure on the streets (this is a large Amish community, lots of horse and buggies). In the 5K's I've been doing lately, I've been running about
a 10 minute pace. To my pleasant surprise, I finished this race in 8:55, and on top of that, I won first place in my age group. My first ever win!,30479/uzone,photos /action,gallery/
On Saturday, I ran the 10K . As if it wasn't bad enough to do two races back to back, but a 10K
(the first time I've run that far). I guess I should've taken my race number warning. At the four
mile mark, I had such intense pain that I was forced to walk some as the pain worsened. I
finished (and I wasn't last) with a time of 1:08:50. It appears that I pulled my groin muscles and
it's painful to even walk. That's what an old guy gets for trying to keep up with the young guys like
AJ and Dan.
It's amazing how far I've come in the past 16 months, and I appreciate the support from you guys
so I can try to feel younger than I really am.
Hi Floyd,
Good going. Too bad about the muscle pull, but on balance you must feel really good about all the changes WLS has brought you (or, rather, all of the positive results you've worked hard for).
I can only imagine how good running must feel--my knee and hip have so far resisted anything more than a brisk mosey, but who knows what a few more months might bring?
Oh, your race was a hoot considering . . .
If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester
Nice Job, Floyd!
Age group win... always exciting.
And, let me tell you... 1:08:50 for a 10K ain't nothin' to sneeze at.
Keeping a quick pace over 6.2 miles is a hell of a lot different than 3.1 miles.
Take it easy and let that groin pull heal before you get back to it. No reason to push... Sometimes a rest is the best thing for you.
Congrats on all of your success.
Be Well,
Age group win... always exciting.
And, let me tell you... 1:08:50 for a 10K ain't nothin' to sneeze at.
Keeping a quick pace over 6.2 miles is a hell of a lot different than 3.1 miles.
Take it easy and let that groin pull heal before you get back to it. No reason to push... Sometimes a rest is the best thing for you.
Congrats on all of your success.
Be Well,