Friday Coffee Talk
Good Friday morning everyone! Gotta get up and get going. It's time to rise and shine ya'll.
Our challenge today is to stay cool. It is way hot! I can't think of a hotter summer here in Bama in all of my 41 years. Yesterday at the bank, the thermometer sign read 110. In my car it read 106 so it was somewhere around that. It's suppse to be 105* here today. I don't know how hot it is where you are but PLEASE STAY COOL! Check on your neighbors, especially the elderly. This heat is the kind that is VERY dangerous. Alabama is under a heat alert and I can NEVER remember us being under a heat alert. The air quality is dangerous also. Pray for and think about ANYONE that works outside. My heart goes out to you guys that do work outside. Please, take this challenge today! Let's stay cool and check on ANYONE you think needs you or if it's not that hot where you are, think about or pray for us where it is.
So, are ya up yet? What cha sipping on? Me? The flavor of the day is Southern Pecan. Gotta love it! So good and so rich.
Ya'll have a wonderful Friday and PLEASE stay cool!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"