Flow Problems
Anyone else have anything like this?
I eat fruit regularly, drink on average a gallon of water a day,exercise at least 6 out of seven days a week and still unable to "go" regularly and when I do its like passing a VW micro bus through a straw. Now my PCP is saying I need more fiber.
I work in a hot,humid environment and sweat ALOT. I'm guessing this could be a contributing factor to the problem,hence the gallon or more of water a day.
Any body have any favorite,simple ways( maybe quick?) of getting enough fiber in,not really looking for the metamucil route but will if I have to. Seems like everything leads to "taking something" since the surgery, at least initially and would rather try working something into my everyday routine.
Thanks for your time again.....................Bill
From what I've researched a fiber supplement will help with keeping your digestive track regular but it more sounds like you might be having a problem with constipation. If that is the case, you might try over the counter Colace. However, Laxitives were not designed for people with RNY, so don't abuse the stuff, just take one and let it work itself through, since you don't have as much food running through your system as you did pre-op, you don't need much of the stuff to make you 'go'... a little can go a long way. If you get diareha from it, stop using it ASAP.
Theres a product called FiberCon http://www.fibercon.com/label.asp (available in almost any major grocery store/drug store) thats in pill form... you take 2 with 8oz of water. If your stoma isn't capable of handling large pills, you can crush them and down em, they're not time released. But atleast it's easier then drinking a glass of metamucil, which is like gravel in water.
There's also FiberSure (again available almost anywhere) its made my metamucil but it's not a liquid drink. It's used to add to food. So, depends on where you are in your post-op... actually just read you had it in June, so you're probably on soft solids still. You can add the Fibersure to Soup, Pudding, Pureed meats, tuna, etc. You don't need alot and since it's being combined with other stuff that has textures, it's not as noticable to the pallette than drinking metamucil in water. It's tasteless too, but if you use too much, it can taste almost starchy.
Lastly... eat your veggies... and some fruit (in moderation)... which are high in fiber. particularly greens, corn, carrots, etc... multi-grains (wheat mostly) are also high in fiber, nuts, etc...
I'm not a dietician, this is just my advice. Hope it helps.
(deactivated member)
on 8/9/07 5:44 am - Houston, TX
on 8/9/07 5:44 am - Houston, TX
Hey Bill,
Looks like I get to chat with everyone today.....being a nurse....the getting regular is a bigger deal than people think.....
Ok here I go...the job of the large intestine is to extrac****er from what you eat...the longer crap hangs around, the harder abd dryer it gets.....the fiber irritate the bowel and make the bowel say GET OUT!!!
ok 1st...get clear...do what ever ou have to so to get clear...laxative, prunes, run a hose up your Azz...
once that it done...you have to stay regular....find what works for you,,,,for me...2 cups of coffee first thing in the morning, and I go...so every morning....I get up early and get it over with....others its fruit, cereal....salad....
but you will have to know your body on this one,,,,one chick in support group, said KFC made her go....and it's like clock work......
but when you are clear...try the coffee....a couple big cups on an empty stomach....the caffeine buzz is not the only reason people drink it in the AM
(deactivated member)
on 8/9/07 7:32 am - MO
on 8/9/07 7:32 am - MO
Fiberchoice, chewable horse orange horse tablet works for me if you don't like metamucil which to me tastes like Tang, Fiberchoice will make you fluff but it'll also keep you regular.
I had a similar problem. I added a small salad with lunch and dinner. I buy the "field greens", what I call weeds and regular lettuce, then I put a spoonfull of onions, green peppers, banna peppers, three olives and red kidney beans. By spoon full I mean a teaspoon, small spoon, whatever you want to call it. The whole salad is not more than a cup and a half. More like a cup. I will warn you it makes my poop green. But I don't have the bricks anymore. I also added a snack of one oz. of almonds every day.
pan head