A Blonde in need of advice.....OT
OK OK.....I'm having a 'wow' moment......
This has nothing to do with WLS.....unless you want it to count as an 'exercise' tool to go along with my 5 year old gastric bypass tool........
I want to Kayak. I have never done this. I bought a video at a local surf shop and think I basically wasted my money. I do plan to take some lessons and rent one before I buy. I'm 5' 1" and a peanut. I have picked out the Kayak I want....but, wonder if, like the video, I'll be wasting my money.
I do have a small SUV....and this kayak weighs around 45 pounds, so I think I can handle it (I had horses, but I was also a 'big' girl back then).....
So all that, to ask........what do you think? Can anyone give me a bit of advice here? Does this kayak look viable to you? The salesman at the surf shop seemed to think so, but then HE'S the one who sold me the video!
The Hobie Mirage Sport (except I want the red one...goes with my shoes)
Thanks for any help....
Charlie......(one of those 'cats' from the main board)

If this was actually OT you would get booted but anything exercise is okay. Anyway, the advice that I was given about buying a kayak was to attend a show where they have all the kayak's on display and available for use. This way you can use many to determine which fit you the best. The problem is that I don't know how to find out where or when they have these. I usually find out a week later and have yet to test one out. Good luck in your search.
My wife and I have Malibu X-factors. We love them.... as they have bouyancy, storage, and are great fishing platforms. They are also larger and a little heavier.
It all depends on what you are going to use it for. The Hobies have a great chain drive (peddle) system. Good for cruising around quickly, not so good for fishing the California Coast - hangs up on kelp.... gets in the way of fishing gear. If you dive, you will want to be sure that you have the storage and weight capacity for your gear.
Kayaks are specialized, one size does not fit all.
Best thing to do would be to determine your useage, and try all the kayaks in your category before buying. HEY! It beats rentin' 'em! Also, frequent one of the many message boards that cater to the yakkin' style that you are intersted in.
And PLEASE remember this - DO NOT PAY STICKER.... esecially when you are buying the kayaks as part of a large gear package (car rack, floation vest, safety gear, sweet paddle pants, etc...). If you dealer don't cut you a solid one, take it on down the road.
I would say that my wife and I got about $1500 off our Yaks and gear.
You can also wait until winter, and buy the last summer rentals.
well,,even at my size I use a Wilderness System Ride,,to fish the coastal marsh for redfi**** is a sit on top as well. i tried the hobie with the pedal,,,couldn't fit in the darn thing :(...I agree,,,it is real important to try them out, to find the right one for you. Weight is the important factor..transporting to and fro...can be a challenge to some.
Good luck...I think choosing one over the other, is part of the fun.
future,,,(SKINNY KENNY)