Before and After pictures
Howdy guys. It's been awhile since I've been on the board (too long) and I just wanted to drop by and say hello and to ask a question that I'm sure has been asked many times... Where in your profile or what URL does one surf to post the before and after pictures? I've searched through my profile and don't see anywhere for this option. I may be missing it.
From OH's FAQ section:
How to add your photo in the before/after section?
Photos would need to be e-mailed into our photo team to be added [email protected] We request this area be for those who have lost over 100 pounds, however if you don't have 100 pounds to lose we make those considerations. Be sure when e-mailing to include your username.
The before and after picture that you have at the top of your profile look incredible. I was reading over your profile and you have done so amazingly! Great job man, you're an inspiration to us all. BTW - just how did you get on the field at the Superdome? Those were some great pics.
Thanks for the info and the comments.
The doctor for the Saints is one of my customers so he gets us on the field during pre-game for a few games a year. It's fun and it really puts everything in perspective. You never realize how big some of those guys are until you are standing 2 feet from them. :)
You are so right when it comes to the size of pro football players. I've had an opportunity to get on the field pre-game for a couple of Bronco games and I was astonished. I thought I was BIG when I was 6'5" and weighed nearly 500 pounds but after seeing the linemen, I realized I wasn't big, just fat.
I always refer to the linemen as "human clydedales."