Wednesday coffee talk
Good Wednesday morning everyone! Time to rise and shine. Gotta get up and get going. It's going to be a WONDERFUL day today!
Our Wednesday challenge is to "do unto others as you would have done to you". What ever happened to the "Golden Rule" we were taught in elementary school? What ever happened to us wanting to treat others with respect. Everywhere you go now, the drive through, work, laundry mat, school, customer service desks, (so sad to say)some churches, even our homes have forgotten to treat others with respect. Doing unto another as you would have done unto you. Hmmmm. What do I want done unto me? How do I want to be treated? One word could fix all the problems in the world. That word is LOVE. If we would love our neighbor as we do ourselves, then the Golden Rule would kick in and we would treat others as we want to be treated. So show some LOVE today! I love you! Yep! I CAN SAY I LOVE YOU!
So, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? Plain old Maxwell House today and it sure is good!
Ya'll have a blessed and wonderful Wednesday!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"