The Tour de Fat rolls on
Hey Boner,
I'm impressed--that's quite an accomplishment. And I dig the term Tour de Fat, not that I'm ready to participate. Perhaps those of us unable to cycle can work our way up from the Mosey de Fat to Saunter de Fat to Trot de Fat to the Tour de Fat.
No joking though, what you've accomplished ought to make you proud as well as happy.
If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester
Thanks Rob. Already have my next big challenges on the radar. Here they are:
1. the Triple Bypass ride here in Colorado. Like the Copper Triangle but 3 different passes and 50 extra miles.
2. RAGBRAI - ride across Iowa
3. Ride the Rockies - ride across Colorado
4. 5 hour Colorado century.
5. Ulmann Cancer fund century in DC
Should keep me busy.