Unexpected FART
Haven't posted a FART in a while...so here goes - lettin' 'er rip: Last night I took my wife to the old Chik-Fil-A so that the kids could get out of the apartment and play in the air-conditioned comfort of the life-sized hamster apartment in the playground...my kids were laughing, screaming and having a ball up there...So I thought, what the heck - it's got to be strong enough to hold me, afterall somebody adult size must go up there to clean it once in a while! So I climbed up in there and joined in the fun - even scooted my not-so-fat-anymore-ass down the curvy tube slide. It was fun and reminded me of just one of the reasons why I had this surgery, playing with my kids - they don't have to miss out anymore!
Congrats. I know what what it feels like. I went to the tennis court with my 2 kids today (I always try to hit around with them).
Last year I was trying to rally with my son (age 12 now) and he kept spraying the ball all around the court. I stopped him and said, "Come on, just try to hit it to me so we can rally". His response: "But you get more exercise this way" I almost caught him.
Today I did to him, what he did to me last year and it felt good. Still got a ways to go but being down almost 70 lbs has certainly allowed me to move around better.