Two great cook books and other stuff
and Enola Prudhomme's Low-Fat FavoritesENOLA PRUDHOMME'S Low-Fat Favorites
cookbooks and they are GREAT! Last night I made Shrimp gumbo from the Cajun cook book and it was GREAT!!!There is so much flavor in these recipes that you don’t miss the bad for you stuff!
I was so tired when I woke up this morning that I nearly crawled back into bed! A cup of decaf low-fat Latté this morning and an hour plus drive to work got the day started. The 30 solid minutes in the gym on the weights got the blood moving again and now I feel great, it won’t last though as when the day starts this way for me, I get real tired at about 7:30a (I wake up at 3a) the good thing is though there is only one more day to work this week and I can sleep in to 6:30a on Sunday before church!
Well, I am down ½# from my lowest weight this morning. I have been stalled for the last 2 ½ weeks with a GAIN of 5# in the first two days of the stall! I just kept on the program and kept on keeping on and things started down again.
People are funny. This morning at the gym, this guy was watching me do my workout while he sat at a machine between his sets on the machine he was sitting on. I was rotating between two machines one set on one then I moved to the second machine (lat pull downs and forearm pull downs) this way one mussel group can rest while I work out another group, I can get twice the exercises in the same time it would take for just one exercise. Anyway, this guy was watching me through two sets each between these two machines and when I started the third (and final) set he jumps on the machine I wasn’t using. He did about 3 reps at the weight I had set, added more weight, did one 15 rep set and left for another exercise, never to return. It was like an “I can lift more than you!” attitude. The thing is, my 3 sets at a lower weight moved much more weight than his single set. Oh well, such is the way it is when you share a public gym.
I hope everyone’s day is a good one and a blessed one!
Hammering away the pounds!
A Cajun fan out in California?
That’s my type of cookin’!
Cajun and Low-Fat? I’ll have to look into it!
Guess they start the recipe "After" the part that normally goes-
"Start with 1 lb. of bacon ….."
I make a Low-Carb chicken and sea-food Gumbo
that’ll convert the unrighteous!
Great to hear you’re challenging the Gym rats! Keep it Up! Best Wishes- Dx
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
Hammering away the pounds!