Fully dissolving protein powders

on 8/2/07 11:37 pm - Starke, FL
What brands of Protein have you found that fully dissolve when mixing? I am currently using the Body Fortress brand from Wal-Mart and although it is a pretty good tasting product it does not dissolve completely. Any suggestions?
on 8/2/07 11:51 pm
I use a powder from a local health food store, owned by a lady who is a nutrition phd. so I am not familiar with your brand. However, I have learned that if I use a good blender...add the protein AFTER the water, AND mix very well...THEN add ice...No problem. the gritty texture, was not pleasing to me either. If I addede the ice and powder, I always seem to have coagulated powder..yuke, ..i LOVE' them now. Throw a yogurt in..maybe a half banana...and it become very thick and creamy. good luck. shinny kenny
Dx E
on 8/3/07 12:26 am - Northern, MS

A lot of people have trouble getting Those Protein Powders to mix with stuff. Someone at my support group Said she always thought it made stuff taste like Someone had thrown a "Handful of Chalk Dust" In her food or drink. Well the solution? Liquid into Dry! Suppose you are trying to add some to Yogurt or oatmeal. Take your scoop, (or actually only ½ scoop) Of the powder and put it in a coffee cup or small bowl. Get a fork, And slowly drip some cool water into the powder while Stirring with the fork. Don’t try to just add the liquid. Attempt to make a very thick paste. Once you’ve got it into a thick paste Then slowly add more drops And stir some more until you get a thinner paste. Keep this up until it is the same consistency As the food you want to add it to. By not having "liquid" per se, The powder can’t clump up and hang onto "bubbles." Even mixing this up ahead of time And keeping it in the fridge is good. Then just take out how much you want And stir it into your food. I have great success this way Adding Protein Powder to- Yogurt, Soups, Oatmeal, Smoothies, polenta, etc… It really helps going into shakes/smoothies. You don’t get that "foam" on the top That, no matter how long you run the blender Just stays forever. It also gets rid of the "powdery" texture That can hang on otherwise. This worked for me! Hope this helps you! Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 8/3/07 3:02 am
I'm using stuff from Wal-mart and from Costco. I just throw it into a sports bottle with some soy milk or water and a bunch of ice cubes. put the lid on and start shaking.  It mixes up really well and I don't have to have a blender handy.  It makes it really nice for work. Good luck finding the right combo for yourself! Scott

The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 8/3/07 3:59 am - los angeles, CA
here's my solution. i went to the backpacking store REI but you can get these containers at the grocery store too. anyway, i got a plastic 2 cup container with a screw on cap. i put my shake and all the powders in it and then shake the hell out of it. that got rid of the lumps, then pour it into a glass. either hot or cold it's the shaking that blends it. no mixers just shaking. it causes a gas build up so shake it a few times then vent it. then shake again and pour.......carbonblob
on 8/3/07 4:04 am - San Francisco, CA
Being the lazy guy that I am, I gave up on powders entirely because of how messy they are and now use the liquid proteins like New Whey and GNC's liquid protein concentrates.  GNC also has some protein waters like ISOPure that don't taste all that good but are not too bad when mixed with some of the Crystal Light flavors. JP
on 8/3/07 5:18 am - Huntley, MN

I've had the same joy with this stuff. Haven;t found one that works OR tastes,I won't even go to the "good" label,how 'bout just tolerable. I'd love tolerable WITHOUT lumps or leftovers from the gravel road.   Went to K-Mart and got a hand held blender that fits in my cooler so it goes with me to work or anywhere I end up having to go,I mix up my 3 strawberries and all the powder in about 20 oz of milk and we get almost tolerable. To switch it up a little I'll add a teaspoon of SF hersheys chocolate syrup and a teaspoon of peanut butter to it all for just a titch more protein.  Added bonus is the hand held blender getting snuck in and out of the cooler almost looks like your trying to hide some kind of freaky sex toy so the conversations never seem to end,especially if you work at a place similar to me. EVERYONE is a comedian and alot of them know just how bad they are at it but in never seem sto stop them.  Good luck on your quest,if you discover one let the rest of know...............PLEASE Bill

on 8/3/07 5:33 am - Litchfield, IL
I currently use THE BULLET mixes real well!! However this is not a TO GO item mostly countertop use.

Take care
God Bless


BIGGScenturyclubcard.jpg picture by biggbubba1959
on 8/3/07 9:34 am - Panhandle, FL
I use Jay Robb whey protein powder.  I start out by pouring a small amount of fat-free milk, then add the scoop of powder, add the rest of the milk.  sometimes I add Carnation instant breakfast and/or flavorings.    You can stir it yourself, put it in a shaker or use a blender/magic bullet.  I use the magic bullet - in about 4 seconds it is blended. 
on 8/3/07 9:38 am - AL
I have now tried approximately 70 different powder samples, 11 manufacturers.  Based purely on dissolving, the best brands are (with best place to purchase): EAS (Sam's Club) Optimum Nutrition (Amazon or AllStarHealth) Syntrax Nectars (Vitacost) (but there are lots of bubbles that have to settle)
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