OK, So I'm Anemic. But what a way to find out!!!
Call your doc for some help with this one. There are prescription iron supplements That don’t cause the constipation, And an Iron infusion may be in order. Iron is a "slow go" to bring back up to normal range Once your levels have dropped. Many get an Iron Infusion or a series of Iron Infusions. An Iron Sucrose (like Venofer®) Infusion To go for the "do-it-yourself-home remedy?" Get Ferrous Fumarate NOT- Ferric Sulfate- That’s the one that is hardest to absorb and will leave your constipated as a rat! The FERRIC supplements need the stomach acids to Make them absorbable. So find some Ferrous Fumarate and take it with something with vitamin C in it. OR- Better yet- ask the pharmacist (or ask the doc to call in a script for- (POLY-IRON) The Generic Name: iron polysaccharide Also comes in the Brand names- Fe-Tinic 150, Hytinic, Niferex, and Nu-Iron 150. Won’t cause constipation and Most WLS patients tolerate this form of iron better than the iron salts. For foods? Hit a seafood place and order the clams… Very high in iron. Also Iron Fortified Cereals are a good source. Check out- FoodsHigh in Iron (BTW, they can play ‘fast and loose’ with the potassium. I had an IV full bag of potassium infiltrate and blow through a vein. It ran the full bag out into my arm before they caught it. Burned a 3" diameter hole from the inside out And dissolved my ‘ulnar-nerve’ in my right hand. I still have little to no feeling in my thumb and fore-finger there. Gotta watch ‘em like a hawk! Thank heavens when I screw up on my job, the repercussions are minimal.) Hope you got a fix for the ulcer while they had you there. Best Wishes- Dx
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
Whew! Close call. Glad you caught that
Glad your wife caught the lethal injectors before they could harm you.
Hope you find something for the ulcers and anemia.
Mine hemo is low for a man, but high for a woman, so they don't treat me. I eat chewable vitamins like they're going out of style, though.