News from Minnesota...
Guys -
If you haven't heard, we had a major bridge collapse in Minneapolis yesterday. Imagine the Brooklyn Bridge / Golden Gate for impact on this city... it is one of two MAJOR ways in and out of downtown Mpls. 70 people injured and 7 dead which is lucky as it was right in the middle of rush hour last night. They called all police and FD in, including reserves, even called in all the uniformed security guards cuz they were so busy. If you know folks with 612 area codes, they are still busy (all circuits busy). Keep the folks in your thoughts today, as it is a pretty major thing.
Here's to Luck! If ya can't have skill, luck is a great second thing!
This was truly a tragic event. I do feel sorry for all who were involved. The bigger fear for the rest of the country is the realization that our infrastructure is aging quickly. We have many bridges that were built during the time of the building of the interstate system. Newscasters were just talking about collapses of regular bridges in recent years. But, here in the Northeast, we remember that I-95 had a highway bridge collapse just a couple years ago. Just think of all of the bridges you may cross in any given day. Maybe we might have to stop spending some of our nation's money overseas and spend it on some things that have to be done right here at home.