Athletic enhancement or cheating?
If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester
If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester
If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester
For me, WLS was the alteration. I couldn't do any of the stuff I'm doing now, even in my 20's - I'd start gaining weight and that would make it too painful/ tiring for me to want to continue. I certainly wouldn't be able to continue sprinting if I were gaining weight in spite of it and because of my low body fat, every muscle pokes through. So it's not only a physical alteration, it allows for psychological advantage. Almost like getting something back for every ounce of effort that you put in. It's quite an alteration - the best, I'm convinced!
If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester
I have to be careful now, not to pick on the people around me who can't get as excited about exercise. The surgery is better than any steroid could possibly be. The psychological advantage is there, but sometimes I think there was a change in body chemistry. I used to feel really bad after I ate a lot of the time, maybe from all of the blood going to that huge stomach, maybe from "insulin hangover" or from some other chemical reaction.
Anyone else feel a lack of food hangover?
If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester
Dave I am in the same boat I look at my meals as fuel for my workouts. I am lifting more and am bigger than any point in my life i am 40. I was always very strong but now it feels like its a step up from when I was this same wieghtr before. I can bench press more now then any time in my life even when I was a 100 lbs more wieght then I am now. Even my mile times are better then ever and I am X army and was a boxer for 6 years . I started sparing a few weeks ago after 14 years and it feels great .