How long out of work after Lap-RNY for Physically demanding occupations?

on 7/31/07 4:32 am
Hi guys!  Thursday will be five weeks out from surgery and things are going pretty well. Still not getting my liquids in very well, but I'm doing alot better with the protein lately because I bought some powder and skim milk. I'm thinking of getting some of those small vials(3 oz.) that have a 50 gram protein kicker in them, but the price has me balking for now. Anyone know of another source that has alot of "palatable" protein compacted into a small size??  Anyway, back to topic!  With my job, I can basically call the shots on how long I want to be out recovering without it affecting my paycheck. ( within reason of course!) My primary doctor and surgeon both said that they will both back me so that I can get sufficient time to heal... and I'm lucky enough to work in a place that has unlimited sick time..... something that we bargained for years ago which the employer regrets ever agreeing to, but for contractual reasons is bound to it.  My job can be the easiest at times but it can also be the hardest and most dangerous at other times.(Firefighting) There's no options for being on light duty or a desk-jockey while recuperating. (another stipulation in the contract)... You are either full duty or out sick. I told them I'd probably be coming back around beginning or mid September, but I am getting very bored sitting home and not being able to work around the house or even mow the lawn. You see.. when you're out sick, and in a high profile occupation like me, it's not a good idea to be flaunting yourself out there mowing, painting, or anything that might bring a negative light on you because even though I just had major surgery and changes in my body five weeks ago, and am legitimate and all, you don't flaunt it in their faces by walking around mowing your lawn while the boys in the fire truck drive by. It's just not a very smart thing to do. Most of the time I wait till after sunset and darkness to fall before I go out and do my walking. Why?  I just don't want to be thought of as a "faker", or an abuser of the system. Was I specific about my surgery when I went out sick? Hell no!  Don't have to be either. There are laws protecting your medical privacy and they can't force you to disclose your medical records. They know it's abdominally related surgery, and that's it. I suppose they'll figure it out in time, but for the sake of unimportant finger-pointing, and ignorant people saying that the surgery is an elective, and for vanity purposes only, and should not be covered, I chose to not disclose the particulars. Anyway.. off that tangent again!  I want to go back to work sooner than the prospective date. That's why I'm writing all this bunk today. I'm bored and want to get back into life, but I don't want to hurt myself and end up back at square one again. My surgeon just says to go back and "take it easy" for awhile. I told him that there's no taking it easy at a fire. He just doesn't seem to get it, but he stands by me to decide when I'm ready.  When would you guys go back??  Is eight weeks enough? Consider having to possibly lift over 100 pounds and walk down a flight of stairs with it. When is enough time in your estimations? Thanks for your long-suffering while reading this!
on 7/31/07 5:06 am - Colonial Heights, VA
You will need every bit of 8 weeks for the stomach muslces to heal from incisions or you will have a hernia and have to be cut again.  Doing stuff to regain your strength and stamina w/o "busting a gut" is the smart way to go.  Cutting the grass at a slow pacing yourself style and anything else that pushes you a bit but you can stop after seeing how well you do is a good thing.  I am a desk jockey and came back at 4 weeks and should have waited.  I definitiley wasn't up to snuff just walking acros a huge parking lot and two large flights of steps to my desk and being alter, meetings etc for 8 hrs without having th eoption to laying down for  a few minutes or putting my feet up or having the option to take a pain med was a little more than I thought it was going to be.  I sucked it up and got through it but it was 8 weeks before I felt human again and went through some barriers of energy and stamina drops (related to protein, iron, and potassium levels).  I wouldn't have wanted to do that fighting a fire or carrying 100 pounds down stairs or whatever else yuo moght be asked to do in rescue mode.  If you have the time, take advantage.  Maybe simulate at home what a day at the "office" might be like and see how you do.  Unroll and reroll the garden hose 20 times and wash your vehicles a few times.  Change clothes 4 times a day and wear or walk with a backpack. BUT AVOID lifting or pulling on those stomach and abdomin muscles.  Take advantage of the leave you have to heal correctly on the first try.  And be glad you feel good,...just don't get crazy on us.  
on 7/31/07 5:08 am - Sugar Grove, IL
I think most doctors are different on many of these issues but mine had me on lifting restrictions for the first three months.  The first couple of weeks was not allowed to lift more then a gallon of milk or about 8.5 pounds.  After my first follow up this increased to 20 pounds which I had until my 3 month follow up.  At this time all lifting restriction were gone and I was told to start lifting at the fitness center.  I was instructed to build up slowly so I could handle it without causing any damage.  As far as what people think, who cares.  Either tell them that you are on a lifting restriction but can do all other activities or let them think what they want and do what you need to do to keep your sanity and live your life.  Even though your contract says no light duty, if you talked with your chief would they not allow you to come back if you explained the situation?  I would think they would want to bring you back in some capacity especially if they are short handed without you.  If you are a firefighter on regular duty, I can think of plenty of situations that you would need to lift quite a bit more then your doctor would want you to at this stage of recovery.  With that being said, I can't imagine that your doctor would allow it unless you were able to work something out with your station house and ensure that you can follow the rules of your surgery while working.  Thats a tough spot to be in because I know you must be itching to get back to your normal routine.  Good luck to you. Dan
on 7/31/07 6:37 am
Thanks guys!  I guess I'll be sitting it out for awhile then. I don't want to screw this thing up. As far as going in and asking for light duty... no way.  If you're in an employment that has a union fighting for your causes and safety, you don't go against what you've fought and paid for. The city tried to make anyone who wasn't on their death bed, but ill, come in and sit around at a desk doing nothing for 40 hours a week a couple of years ago just to "punish" them for being absent from work, regardless of a doctor's excuse or not. This was very wrong and the union had to hire a lawyer and fight them on contractual agreements that they were not upholding. Besides, why would I want to work a 9-5 mon-fri at a desk when I can do this??   Anyway, thanks guys.
on 7/31/07 6:38 am - Kokomo, IN
"I am a desk jockey and came back at 4 weeks and should have waited..." Joe, SAY WHAT??? I'm pretty-much a desk jockey, too.  Mostly work on the computer, do business on the phone, go to meetings (what fun!). My lap-RNY surgery is scheduled  for 8-22.  I figured I would be OK to go back to work after Labor Day (9-04). Am I being wildly optimistic here???  
(deactivated member)
on 7/31/07 6:56 am - IN
Hey Boxerman, Who's doing your surgery?  I'm in Terre Haute (from Peru originally), and I'm having mine done on the 22nd as well.  I have Dr. Lindsey in Franklin. I don't think you are be unrealistic.  Of course everyone is different, but my doctor said for a job like mine (which sounds similar to yours) that two weeks would be sufficient for most people.  Of course if there are complications or you're not up to it, you should definitely take longer.
on 7/31/07 7:12 am - Kokomo, IN
Hey Drgonzo! You mean Peru, IN - not Peru, S America, right?  My first job out of college was for Square D - lived in a little rented house on 6th Street!  Ah, those young carefree bachelor days! Anyway, my surgeon is Dr. Cacucci, out of Carmel Surgical Specialists.  She's done nearly a thousand lap-RNYs, so I'd like to think she's got the process down, ya know? And yeah, I realize that complications... well... COMPLICATE things.  But I'm hoping - like everybody else does - for a smooth trip to the Other Side!  Good luck!!! 
(deactivated member)
on 7/31/07 11:30 pm - IN
Hey Boxman, I too was employed at Square D for a time.  It was my summer job away from College for about 4 years.  My dad worked there for darn near 40 years, so you might know him.  When did you work there? Good luck with your surgery!  I see you say all of your pre-op classes are coming up.  Did your surgeon make you go through anything up to this point?   Mine has been extremely thorough.
on 7/31/07 6:57 am
Boxman, I think you ARE being overly optimistic two weeks after. You're going to be going through alot of changes in the first month, whi*****ludes running to the bathroom with the runs and/or vomiting.. and you'd better be close to one, cuz it happens fast. Not to mention how exhausted you're going to feel at times because your body's using up all its resources to heal. Not to mention the lack of calories(energy) you'll be taking in contributing to the fatigue some of the time.  Just my thoughts, but after about a month you start to feel pretty good!  At least in my case.  I just am concerned about the healing process right now as far as the actually cutting and attaching goes. How long for that to take place.
on 7/31/07 7:01 am
I think Doctor's agree/disagree on this topic almost a much as they do on pre-op protocols, so whatever yours says might be what you'd better stick with.
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