Transition Time... Approaching six weeks...
So, I am approaching 6 weeks and being able to eat full solid foods (yeah, right!) My question is this. I keep on reading that food is kind of off again on again. One day I will have eggs at work for breakfast (soft scrambled) and they sit perfectly fine. I try making them at home and it sits like a lead weight for hours causing the foamies. It seems to be whenever I try and cook them at home, I get sick, but anywhere else, no prob! I even brought an egg from the cafeteria (raw) home and cooked it there, same thing.
Now, I know there's the chance of spolige, but, i have three different lots of eggs, same issue. Could be germs? I used to work in a resturant, and I use the three sink method to clean em, so, doubtful.
Also, did anyone have any trouble with different forms of food giving different results? Ground chicken sits wonderfully. Take a chicken breast and chew 40 times, and pains... Argh! There's beauty in diversity, but give me some consistency!
For me I went with egg salad for the first few months. Adding alittle low fat mayo helped to coat the pouch. I would add a small amount of salt and pepper and some sugar free (with Splenda...Mt. Olive) pickle relish. That stuff made my egg salad and tuna salad alot better in those early days. Here is another one I tried. A piece of dark green lettuce wrapped with low fat lunchen meat (chicken or turkey). I would add some nonfat string cheese, alittle mayo and mustard. That one worked on the go. I am wondering if you might be ready for a good quality chicken vegetable soup? That one might work. You might want to try cooking different frozen vegetables in the microwave and see which ones work for you. I would eat frozen spinach from the first day allowed. Good luck, Brian