Hey Kenny,
My date is in hand and less than a month away and I have my times when I think EXACTLY like you. When I was 25 I weighed 275 pounds and decided to go on a tear and changed my eating habits and this is what I ate almost daily:
BREAKFAST: Oatmeal or a cup of bran cereal, 2 pieces of dry toast with butter buds. and equal.
LUNCH: 6 OZ can of Tuna or salmon packed in water on a bed of lettuce, raisins and cottage cheese instead of dressing, (pretty large salad).
DINNER: 2 pieces of fruit
Daily I exercised 45 minutes to an hour doing Rowing, stationary bicycling, treadmill walk/jog, stairmaster. I took Sunday off. Then in addition, I lifted an all muscle 45 minute free and machine weights 3 sets of ascending weight with a warmup and cool down period.
I lost weight like you wouldn't believe, I got down to a muscled 195 pounds. I kept it off from 27 to 35 years old, then life changes started happening, I moved a couple of times, away from my gym, started getting injured on the weights but was so addicted to the weightlifting that I wouldn't let those injured muscles heal and one day I quit. SLOWLY OVER THE NEXT 12 YEARS I GAIN BACK ALL MY WEIGHT AND 100 POUNDS MORE
I think with the 'tool' I'll be able to find those muscles again AND find that 'feel good weight' again and LIVE. The only thing different is taking the supplements, doc has told me since that it sounds like I was eating an average of 900 cals a day with virtually no supplements.
The only thing that worries me about the surgery is the complications, scar tissue build up, incisional hernias, unknown pain, but jus****ch the boards, a lot of these guys that have this STILL ARE GLAD THEY HAD THE SURGERY - - IN SPITE OF THESE THINGS - - STILL THEY WISHED THEY HAD THE SURGERY SOONER. It must be a ride.
I've also learned that this is life commitment (scary) you can sabatage or fail by not committing your whole self. Use the tool, don't sabatoge ourselves by testing the fried foods or sugars to SEE if we dump. Just don't do those things, it's mind control man.
So, I have already decided to have the surgery, but there are still those little doubts that tug on me, I have already dealt with the fear factor, can't deal with it so I went to my God and told him basically I turn it all over to you dude, let your will be done.
Sorry for the rant,
Good Luck and prayers.