on and off groin pain 1 year out
hi guys: another woman asking a question for her dh. i've tried to get him to come on here but he just doesn't feel comfortable with message boards.
he is one year post op and has had on and off stabbing pains in the groin area for a week.
i've read all the stuff about kinked bowels once the fat has gone and i've URGED him to call the doc.
but, he claims they are getting better and that this happened occasionally in college and eventually went away if he rests.
he promised today that if it happens 3 times, he'll call the doc.
just wondered if anyone has had this?
it is always easier to urge someone to go to the doc than to physically carry them kicking and screaming there.
sorry to invade your space, thanks for any help. judi
Judi, Sounds like a classic set of hernia symptoms. Yep, he needs it looked at. Men will attempt to "shake it off" and not go for the same Psyche reasons that keep them from asking for directions when lost. Many a man is alive today because a wife finally convinced them to go to the Doc. Also, don’t let him get easily discouraged if they find Nothing. It took 4 trips to 3 different docs for me to find my hernia. Some posting about it at- SomeHerniaQuestions
Hope to hear he’s doing better soon. Best Wishes- Dx
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable