Monday Coffee Talk
Good Monday morning everyone. Couldn't sleep so I thought I'd go ahead and post today's coffee talk then do some studying. Hope you guys slept like a rock!
Our challenge today is to say positive things over yourself. You are what you think and say. If you say you are a victor, you are a victor. If you say you are a victim, you are a victim. Don't say you are crazy, crazy-ness could take over. I'm no name it and claim it pusher, but you are what you say and think. Don't like what you are now? Change what you say over yourself. Speak only good things over you, your spouse and children. Watch the change you see take place. It's a fact! This WORKS!
So, what are you sipping this morning? Me? The flavor of the day is some awesome Harry & David Chocolate Raspberry. Come have a cup? I've got the coffee pot ready and it's hot. I'll leave the light on. HEHEHE
Sorry about Friday, I overslept! ME? I never oversleep! HEHEHE I sure did Friday though. Forgive me?
Ya'll have a wonderful Monday. Say it's gonna be good and it will be!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"