I'm home, Thanks guys
We'll according to my surgeon the bypass went perfectly and I am home after only two nights in the hospital. I had researched as much as possible on this site beforehand and really did not encounter anything abnormal.
The pain was a little tough at first, but again I expected that.
Now, hopefully things get easier and I can concentrate on being a big loser.

Glad your home. Sleep, sip, walk!! Concerning the gas pain, 3 ideas I have heard over the past year. They may help or may not...Bending over and pretend your touching your tying your shoes. Walking may help move the gas. The last one (I heard from a nurse), is to pu**** out by massaging your stomach and working out the gas in the area like you would work out a knot in a muscle. That last one is like you actually push the gas through your system. Each day should get better and better. The pounds usually fall off you quickly. Keep in touch. Brian