My first FART
Hey guys, I will be 11 weeks post of this upcoming Tuesday and today I decided for kicks to step on the long time enemy....THE SCALE....My May 1st weight was 365 and today on 7/21 I am at 299.50. Now granted my docs scale will be different but still. My scale for the first time in like 5+ (since I hit the 300's) says I am BELOW 300 pds....I was excited. What a way to start the morning. Other than a few minor issues (mainly heart palpitations and fatigue) I feel fine. They did a heart ECHO and a holter monitor and the results seemed normal (From what I read) I do see the cardiologist Monday for the final results but my PCP said its fine. The cancer doc they sent me to said I have no leukimia so finally everything is slowly falling into place.....!!!!! Has anyone else had any like heart palpitations related to the rapid weight loss in the beginning? Does it get easier from here? For the diet I am eatting like those South Beach diet meals (well 1/3 of one) and those South Beach wraps and all for protein. They have like 20 grams of protein a meal....And don't taste to bad!!!