
Man, did I ever **** off some women on the lap band page!

on 7/20/07 9:46 am

I think I may be computer lynched!  I suggested that people (women mostly) who say they are not losing weight while exercising due to "building muscle" was an excuse.  Bodybuilders know that it is next to impossible to gain actual muscle mass while on a calorie deficit.  I supported weightlifting to minimize muscle loss from dieting and to build strength but woo, they are about ready to track me down and shoot me. Guess I won't post over there no more! Now I'm off to re-read my copy of "How to win friends and influence people" tk

on 7/20/07 10:17 am - los angeles, CA
funny you mention this subject wood guy, it's kind of a sore spot with me. i can't tell you how i cringe when people say they don't want to work out because they'll look like arnold! let me tell you something, any body builder who's made it to a magazine is a pure athlete. yeah, they take steriods but that only gets you so far. the reality is that it takes as much dedication as any professional athlete to gain lean muscle and then go a step further and look like they do.

some people don't realize the amount of work it takes in the gym, nutrition, sleep, research blah blah to get a hard body and then keep your fat content in single digits. i just laugh my ass of when they say i'm gaining weight because of lifting. workout for a couple of years, get your body fat under 10% and eat clean then i'll believe you might have some lean muscle that weighs more than fat. those women you mention would have to work out for years and have single digit fat content to start worrrying about muscle weighing more than fat. and if they did have that worry, they would be in competition shape and wouldn't give a damn that they have a high BMI due to lean muscle mass.

as you mentioned, you don't get both. when bodybuilders are competing they are actually at their weakest and least healty condition. they are starving, sweating out all their body fat and their skin is paper thin for contest prep. they don't do any aerobics and maybe they are lifting on only 900 calories a day. if those women aren't losing it's not because of weights. oh, they would have to eat a ton of protein too to even have a chance at gaining a single pound of lean muscle mass.

now there's a ton of benefits from lifting all of them good. especially the older we get. however, it just seems stuck in people's minds that if they do 3 sets of curls with 50 pounds they will turn into a body builder, look like the hulk and weigh 100 pounds than they really would if they didn't do their 10 minute work out twice a week! sorry, they just have no clue and know nothing when they talk about the sport. you don't just lace up your running shoes and run a four minute mile, why do they think a little weight lifting will make them super human. my god, it takes these guys a lifetime to achieve the specimens they've become and a lot more dedication to their diets than any of us ever had in our lifetime. so educate away and the hell with what they think. they don't have a clue and never will.......carbonblob
on 7/20/07 10:45 am - Colonial Heights, VA
Have you considered politics there Fred.  You are such the diplomat. Enjoyed your post,...just for the record.  Good reading.
on 7/20/07 11:11 am - los angeles, CA
lol joe......can you tell they hit a hot button on me? nobody would ever think if they went to the driving range a few times they would turn into tiger woods and therefore have to start a career on the pro circuit. same analogy to me. you simply are not going to get big lifting weights unless you gear your whole lifestyle and workout routine towards that goal. actually, that's the cool thing about lifting. you can lift for strength, sports, overall fitness or just to look buff. i think guys like dave and i do it for the sport and yeah, it's fun to sculpt your body and get results. everyone likes results. but we take lots of protein to help gain weight for our routines. you can't build muscle without protein so we take a lot of it. well, i don't take huge amounts but more than the usual wls patient is told to.

i think maybe they ought to put a sticky article on the exercise board on this topic so it's put to rest once and for all. or just have the women read dave's posts. then they'll have an idea of how much science, dedication and work goes into any attempt to gain muscle size. it's no picnic. weightlifing is about the only sport that gets harder everytime you go in. the whole point is to lift more or with more intensity. this appeals to some but not all people. for me it's a contest of will. yeah, i would rather sit on my ass sometimes but it's so gratifying to get through a tough workout and top it off with eating clean. this is the payoff. don't you feel great now? look at all the running and stuff you do now. hell, i could never enter a running contest even though i run 3 miles a day. i guess i'm saying any endevour takes a lot of will and effort. we don't become athletes, we work at it. ok, off my soapbox.....lol.....carbonblob
on 7/20/07 12:30 pm - fairfield, CA
I would have to agree. When i go to the gym I have to ask people if there done with a machine because they are to busy sitting on there ass bsing and not working out. My time at the gym is limited to a hour or so a night and I think i get twice the workout that some of the poeple there do. Some people do a couple reps and just talk fot 15 minutes so I ask them to use the machine or move it is not a seat to rest. It doesnt make me friends but I am there to work out not siocialize.
on 7/20/07 4:03 pm - los angeles, CA
yeah, you're there to do a job and get out. if they want to pick up chicks fine. stay off the machines you're using, simple. of course it's all about the facility. a free weight gym is pretty serious and everyone respects each other and their time frames. there's fights some times due to roids but at least everyone wants to get big and work out. some of the more sporty clubby outlets whant "cool" which means it's a pick up place. i like freeweight gyms where contest winners train. they clean their benches and put the weights back when they're done or they'll ask if you want to work in you set between them. a real comoradory. you don't get that at the whiney show off gyms. i train at home but i used to work at gyms and i stayed away from the non serious gyms. like you, i want to be in and out and slam my weights to my greatest potential. very few people can keep up with me and my intensity. it's not out of ego but it's how i work out. take no prisoners. so when i see someone at the gym who's more interested in laying on the equipment to scope out a babe, i ask them to get a room and get off the equipment or just bring a camera whatever, just move along. you can tell, i don't make friends at the gym too. that's why i work out at home and i'm a lot happier........carbonblob
NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 7/20/07 4:01 pm - Japan

I forgot, both CB and I are electronic music technophiles, too. -small world! (in connection with the yellow, white, red wire issue).


on 7/20/07 2:30 pm - Westerville, OH
the key word here is "Steriods"....where is Clint Walker when you need him....Oh that's right, I heard him on Mark Lavine show the other night. Maybe we we old farts born in the 40's have a different out look on sports than others...people can do what they want, it's their bodies. Dave

NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 7/20/07 3:58 pm - Japan

Amen, CB!

Amazing the misconceptions and 1950's thinking that perpetuates, isn't it?

But when I think of the number of people who can't even connect a DVD deck or VCR to a TV (Yellow, red and white connectors to yellow white and red jacks! - Won't specify any particularly challenged group or gender here.), it doesn't surprise me that so many would be befuddled by the intricacies of fitness and resistance training.

Pump On,



on 7/20/07 4:15 pm - los angeles, CA
i just had a thought, there must be a weightlifing for dummies book out there! they could educate in a very benign voice what the edicate should be in a gym. hell, this topic goes from wiping down your bench to putting your weights back where you got them, to spotting someone. it's not rocket science, just common sense and courtesy. of course there are some jocks who act like jerks and are all pumped and jacked on roids that scare everyone around. these are the guys who clang all their weights and dumbbells together and drop them four feet from the floor. dramatic types who think they're arnold on a good day. they make me laugh. i think they're bad for business to because they really do scare people away. everyone is so freaked about roid rage right now they don't want to get near a big lifter for fear of freaking them out. how sad.

man, i'm really off on a tangient tonight. what the hell was i responding to anyway? what the hell am i talking about? jeez, never mind whatever i just posted today.......lol
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