picked one over the other...
Wish I could help you…..
I’m delighted with my RNY.
I have a guy in my local support group who had his Lap-Band
About a month before me.
We both lost 200 lbs and some change.
We both lost in approximately the same amount of time.
We both eat approximately the same stuff….
He gets fills and "Un-fills" now and then,
and I get B-12 shots….
Mine was covered on insurance, his was cheaper to start with…
Likewise, I’ve met folks with both procedures who never made it to goal…
They eat sort of like they did before the surgery…
Sweets and fast food.
They look at me and the other guy with the Band
at our support group meetings and say things like-
"Mine didn’t work…I can still eat fried chicken and Ice Cream."
We typically respond-
"So CAN we, but we Don’t."
About 3 out of 10 folks don’t lose more than 60% of their excess weight.
It’s less about "the procedure," and more about
The Change of Lifestyle Post-op.
The RNY gave me the added advantage and help in making that change.
I’m not sure the Lap-Band would have, FOR ME!
It obviously did for the other guy in my group.
Keep figuring out what specifically has kept you from
Losing and/or maintaining the loss.
Then research and Include your Doc in figuring out which procedure
Will be most suited to Your specific needs.
That’s All I got….
Best Wishes-
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
i had the rny specifically because of co morbidities. the band won't address those issues like a full repipe will.........carbonblob
I researched them all and felt that the Duodenal Switch was the best fit for me. I had to fight for it, but in the end, the insurance company supported my decision. And it is your decision, not theirs. You need to fight for your rights. It's an individual choice as to which you choose, and I commend you on doing your homework. Keep those questions coming and welcome to the group.
on 7/19/07 9:38 am - MO