picked one over the other...

on 7/19/07 12:34 am
Hi y'all. I have a weird question.. Anybody wish they had picked the band over the bypass, or vice-versa. Just curious. I am aware of the drastic changes in ones eating patterns, with both. Is it truly hard to adjust, or something that comes with time. I am just trying to get my head screwed on straight, before surgery. Thanks folks. ken
Scott William
on 7/19/07 1:35 am
I got the bypass because that was all my insurance would cover.  I have since learned more about the band and think that it would have also been a good option for me.  Do I wish that I had gotten it over the bypass - no but do I wish I had a choice - yes. Scott
Dx E
on 7/19/07 2:29 am - Northern, MS

Ken, Wish I could help you….. I’m delighted with my RNY. I have a guy in my local support group who had his Lap-Band About a month before me. We both lost 200 lbs and some change. We both lost in approximately the same amount of time. We both eat approximately the same stuff…. He gets fills and "Un-fills" now and then, and I get B-12 shots…. Mine was covered on insurance, his was cheaper to start with… Likewise, I’ve met folks with both procedures who never made it to goal… They eat sort of like they did before the surgery… Sweets and fast food. They look at me and the other guy with the Band at our support group meetings and say things like- "Mine didn’t work…I can still eat fried chicken and Ice Cream." We typically respond- "So CAN we, but we Don’t." About 3 out of 10 folks don’t lose more than 60% of their excess weight. It’s less about "the procedure," and more about The Change of Lifestyle Post-op. The RNY gave me the added advantage and help in making that change. I’m not sure the Lap-Band would have, FOR ME! It obviously did for the other guy in my group. Keep figuring out what specifically has kept you from Losing and/or maintaining the loss. Then research and Include your Doc in figuring out which procedure Will be most suited to Your specific needs. That’s All I got…. Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 7/19/07 2:39 am - Colonial Heights, VA
Researched and decided on RNY.  Also had issues with sickness that looked and smelled like gallbladder but because they couldn't see stones on an ultrasound, no one would do a gallbladder removal on me due to my size.   LapBand was not going to take my gallbaldder either.  The RNY surgeon agreed with my insurance that the gallbladder needed to go so that helped persuade me in my choice.  The rapid weight loss also tends to have gall bladder repercussions and tensds to be taken out later anyways if it isn't take with the surgery. I also did not personally care for the refills and returning to the liquid diets on refills with the Band and having the old stomadch still there and the hunger that goes with the old stomach still intact until it shrinks down.  I was not also very concerned about reversing whatever choice I made. Now, there are advocates for both and I am not dissing anyone or their choice.   You asked, I answered. The fact that you asked reflects you will make an informed and sound decision for yourself.  Doing something is taking responsibility for your situation and is to be commended.   Its a good question to ask.  Godspeed with your decision. Joe
Mr. Jim P.
on 7/19/07 2:47 am - Pittsburgh, PA
I personally wish I had gotten the duodenal switch, but at the time there were no doctors here in Pittsburgh who offered it.
on 7/19/07 3:07 am - los angeles, CA
most of the guys here did what you're doing. ask questions and then make an informed decision. everybody here researched their asses off before making a decision but we all listened to our docs first.

i had the rny specifically because of co morbidities. the band won't address those issues like a full repipe will.........carbonblob
(deactivated member)
on 7/19/07 4:31 am - uranus, CA
RNY on 09/19/06 with
I was hot for the band at first, the intrusiveness of RNY had me a little worried.... and I liked the "reversibility" of the lap band.  The only band Docs in my area, covered by my insurance, were complete rookies - so I went with RNY.   I'm at goal (within a lb. or two either way) within 9 months and couldn't be happier.   I don't know the band would have worked out, but I certainly didn't want to be one of the first one's on my docs cutting board. I'm lucky I had it done back then.  My new job's insurance doesn't cover either procedure!
on 7/19/07 5:35 am

I researched them all and felt that the Duodenal Switch was the best fit for me.  I had to fight for it, but in the end, the insurance company supported my decision. And it is your decision, not theirs. You need to fight for your rights. It's an individual choice as to which you choose, and I commend you on doing your homework. Keep those questions coming and welcome to the group.


Racing for the awareness and understanding of food allergies. 
(deactivated member)
on 7/19/07 9:38 am - MO
hey skinnykenny, I'm 30 days from getting my RNY, I researched the heck out of all the surgeries and was hot after the band until I found out that it would require a lot more followup (I hate going to the doctor).  But I was still hot after it, but after researching it and determining my unique weight problems and what I needed to lose, I decided prayerfully and carefully that RNY would be the surgery for me, there is no room for looking back as far as I'm concerned, I will change, can change, and looking forward to the change.  And RNY is the Gold Standard in that it's been around for 50 years...So, that's my story.  But a lot of people chose the band and are happy with their choice. Best of Luck, BobM.
on 7/20/07 2:13 am - NC
Skinny kenny, I just read the posts of all these guys, and I gotta say,, "THEY HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD!!!" They are exactly correct. Research like hell, listen to your doctor, and then make your mind up to make the necessary life changes.  These were the same guys that helped me do the right thing. For me, that was Lapband. Im down 64lbs in 7 months. Happy as ever. Dont mind the doc visits(keeps me on my p's and q's) dont mind the fills, and love the fact that it is adjustable. However, I did consider the rny, and I think its a wonderful surgery.  Youre doing the right thing about getting your head straight. And from the wonderful answers on this board, youre in the right place. Steve Que







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