Had Pre op With Doc today ONLY ONE WEEK AWAY!

john L.
on 7/17/07 3:39 pm - fresno, CA

Hey all, Just thought I would check in. I had my pre op with my surgeon today!!!!!!  Less than one week away from Getting a spot on that losers bench. Doc was a little upset that I had gained 4 lbs since our last visit OPPPPPPPPS! I guess I have had to many last meals. I told the Doc its not my fault! LOL Its my family support ( there awsome) They keep telling me you better eat know, you won't be able to eat like this agin!  I have just been taking there advise!  Good thing my Doc has some seance oh humor!  I weighed in at 394lbs the most I have ever weighed  Doc said no more big meals the rest of the week,  I have do to clear liquids the day before and low and behold no bowl prep. I was shocked, I dont have to drink that nasty stuff and sit on the all day! I was so happy I think I even shed a tear! My Journey begins, Im so excited but scared to death. I will keep you all posted.

Thank you to all my OH friends, all of you are so awesome and have been such a support!   Via Con Dios Dudes, John 

on 7/17/07 6:43 pm - ASHVILLE, OH
Way to go John!  Almost to the losers side!  keep me a spot warm, ok? Dale
on 7/17/07 10:39 pm - NEWARK, DE
just make sure you stick with your dr advise, and stop doing what your family tells you, you are the one who has to be in control, not the other way around, see today's coffee talk... i struggle but stay on track for the most part, no really bad things, except it all slows down the process when the rules aren't followed correctly... stay strong, and vaya con Dios to you as well al


Dx E
on 7/18/07 12:02 am - Northern, MS

Hey John, Have the Greatest next week. Don’t worry about the "Last Meal." By the end of the first 6 months, You’ll most likely be able to eat anything once again. It just tastes so much better in a Large or medium shirt. Seriously, that idea of- "I better eat it now cause I’ll never be able to have_____" Is right up there with- "Get to bed quick or Santa won’t come…." Just about everyone starts out buying into it, And just as many finally figure out it was just a Tall-Tale. Hope the week passes quickly for you Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 7/18/07 12:28 am - Colonial Heights, VA
Ditto Dx. Play by the rules or you are beat before you get started. It is so worth it!!!!! Nothing tastes as good as being a normal size and being full of life and energy again. Your dependence on food and your relationship with people and activities is about to be rekindled because it will be your choice.   Make your preparations, get your water, broth, and protein sources stocked (ISOPURE, UNJURY, Carnation Instant Breakfast (CIB), Skim Milk or lactose free milk, whatever you'r planning to use).  Get your post-op vitamins so they are waiting for you.  Get the smallest pills available or sublingals that disolve under your tongue before you swallow them. Get your DVD list of movies to watch while recoverying those first two weeks when you are not sleeping or walking or on OH.com reading the profiles and looking at the before and after pictures to you that can be you too if you stay with the program.  And let the games begin.  Its show-time Bubba! Joe
on 7/18/07 1:47 am - Baltimore, MD
My last meal syndrome got to the point I was so sick of food by the time my surgery rolled around. I can eat anything I want to now. Just in smaller portions. And I don't eat sugar (and I don't miss it). Good luck with your surgery. May it be uneventful with a speedy return home.
Cal Blacksmith ..
on 7/18/07 7:10 am - Riverside, CA
RNY on 11/09/06 with
It is not your last meal, it will be your last UNHEALTHY, OVER THE TOP, EAT TILL YOU CAN'T MOVE, LOOSEN YOUR BELT MEAL. There will be LOTS of GREAT meals ahead of you, they are just much smaller! Take control of your life and situation. Here is looking for you on "the other side"!
Get it hot, hit it HARD,
Hammering away the pounds!
Doug Such
on 7/18/07 9:04 am - Northern, CA
Glad you're on your way. Try to follow the doc's advice about your pre-op eating plan. You'd be surprised how much damage can be done by eating too much, especially too much fatty stuff pre-op. One of the surgeon's up here recently closed a woman up without doing weight loss surgery when he discovered her fatty gallbladder (a sign that she had "cheated" on her pre-op diet). He wasn't being uptight, but realistic about the possibility of complications during surgery. Now's the time to decide to do it by the book. It's make the rest of this great process healthier, smoother, and faster. Good luck.


If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester

john L.
on 7/18/07 9:13 am - fresno, CA

Thanks Guys For the Support and Info, Today has been a good day. following the Docs rules and eating light NO MORE LAST MEALS FOR ME !  also made a bunch of posty signs all over the house with possitve messages, manily focusing on I am in control of what I eat ! Food does not control me! Thanks Agin Guys! Via Con Dios Dudes, John

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