Had Pre op With Doc today ONLY ONE WEEK AWAY!
Hey all,
Just thought I would check in. I had my pre op with my surgeon today!!!!!!
Less than one week away from Getting a spot on that losers bench.
Doc was a little upset that I had gained 4 lbs since our last visit
OPPPPPPPPS! I guess I have had to many last meals.
I told the Doc its not my fault! LOL Its my family support ( there awsome)
They keep telling me you better eat know, you won't be able to eat like this agin!
I have just been taking there advise!
Good thing my Doc has some seance oh humor!
I weighed in at 394lbs the most I have ever weighed
Doc said no more big meals the rest of the week,
I have do to clear liquids the day before and low and behold no bowl prep. I was shocked, I dont have to drink that nasty stuff and sit on the
all day! I was so happy I think I even shed a tear!
My Journey begins, Im so excited but scared to death.
I will keep you all posted.
Thank you to all my OH friends, all of you are so awesome and have been such a support! Via Con Dios Dudes, John

Hey John, Have the Greatest next week. Don’t worry about the "Last Meal." By the end of the first 6 months, You’ll most likely be able to eat anything once again. It just tastes so much better in a Large or medium shirt. Seriously, that idea of- "I better eat it now cause I’ll never be able to have_____" Is right up there with- "Get to bed quick or Santa won’t come…." Just about everyone starts out buying into it, And just as many finally figure out it was just a Tall-Tale. Hope the week passes quickly for you Best Wishes- Dx
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
Hammering away the pounds!
If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester
Thanks Guys For the Support and Info, Today has been a good day. following the Docs rules and eating light NO MORE LAST MEALS FOR ME ! also made a bunch of posty signs all over the house with possitve messages, manily focusing on I am in control of what I eat ! Food does not control me! Thanks Agin Guys! Via Con Dios Dudes, John