I'm in trouble.....
Until the King Returns,
John Hopper
on 7/18/07 4:13 pm - MO
Man, at least you realize you have a problem and you have admitted it. I have a SERIOUS problem with this as I was a VICTIM of a DRUNK DRIVER. I won't BLAST you because I've forgiven the POLICE OFFICER that was drunk and FOOLISH enough to drive stupidly drunk. He was not injured of course, but I spent a month in a coma with 2 broken hips, a SERIOUS head injury, 7 broken ribs, a punctured lung, lacerated kidney and the fact that my family was told I would NEVER walk again. I also devoloped ARDS and my family was told I wouldn't make it through the night. I am so thankful that GOD stepped in and I did survive and I DO WALK. I have serious repricutions as I have leg pain daily and I wear a leg brace. This drunk almost killed me. THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE DOING TO YOURSELF! You are KILLING yourself. You could KILL SOMEONE ELSE! Do you want to do this? Do you want to die? Could you live with yourself DAILY IF you killed someone else! God forbid. The only other thing I am going to say is that GOD loves you. So do I! I will PRAY FOR YOU DAILY! MAKE SOME CHANGES DUDE! Get a grip on your LIFE!