Finally After 12 and a half months......
It took me about another 12 months longer than you to get my surgeries, but it was TOTALLY worth it!
I'll give you the advice my surgeon gave me:
No liquids 1/2 hour before, or 1/2 hour after.
One bite every 10 minutes, a half a sandwich over an hour.
I'm down 350 lbs in a year following that advice.
Good luck!

Let the games begin!!
Others trying to persuade you to try again without WLS,...Am I doing the right thing,....will I die on the OR table,.....what if it doesn't work....all ugly and exasperating fears. Key word being fears.
Let it go, you are doing the right thing. This has changed my life, th e physical hunger is gone, the desire to binge is gone, I have learned to deal with some things without burying , punishing, or rwarding myself with food. It is truly life changing.
Play by the rules, brace up for some bumps in the road. Occassionally you take a step back to take tw steps forward. You'll have some weak moments, some times you'll chose poorly, but you learn and get back on track and keep moving forward.
I liken it to a rollercoaster ride. You are on the way up. The surgery is capping the highest peak. Waking up in recovery is the start of the wildest part of the ride. There are still a few ups and downs and curves before it all straightens up, levels off, and slows to a stop.
Have a great ride and welcome to the ticket booth. Buckle your saftey harness, keep your hands inside the car, and ENJOY the Ride!