Getting back my appetite
The protein keeps you feeling fuller for longer...If you see yourself getting too comfortable with snacking between meals then try to go back to the basics and re-commit yourself to eat only three hours with nothing to drink for 30 minutes before and after.
Being a loser is the greatest victory you will ever know!

Tony, How often a day are you eating? Some are directed to only get 3 meals a day PERIOD, no exceptions… But my doc and others have been set up to eat smaller "Mini-meals" about every 2 ½ to 3 hours. I’ve been doing that now for 4 years and I haven’t been hungry over a few dozen times. Maybe ask you Nutritionist/Doc about it. My total intake is about the same as others, But I keep a constant bloodsugar level and by "eating by the clock" I eat even when I’m not hungry because "It’s Time." This has kept me from being ravenous when I do eat. Just a thought… There’s also "Water Loading." Tried that? It does work for most RNY Post-ops. Best Wishes- Dx
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
as for being hungry, it's been 18 or so months for me and i swing from being able to stuff myself to eating nearly nothing and feeling full. i've had a little harder time than most but i think you might find that you'll change from time to time as far as intake. also, you're nerves are still healing down there so give it time. the best advice i can give is just eat until full. it's a good practice. i don't always listen but i try and that has made the difference for me. better habits.....carbonblob
still here. it's been a real trial though. haven't worked in a month due to the sickness. still throwing up every single day. not good. healing though so i should make a slow recovery. i've lost a lot of weight and muscle due to not working out and being so weak and sick. i think the bleeding is under control for the most part but it's back to square one with the gut. i have to watch everything i put in now otherwise, right back up. it's very sensitive right now and hurts like hell all the time. so in time i guess it will heal up. thanks for asking. oh, started doing pullovers again after reading your great link! take care......carbonblob
Hope the time off from work hasn't caused too much trouble and the crew can take over. Main thing is that you get better and get rid of the pain.
Pullovers are a magical exercise that kind of gets everthing in the front and lateral torso, both chest and lats and of course shoulders. I started doing them on my special shoulder day. I also do weighted dips on the same day, because like pullover, dips get the serratus (rib-like thingies) and shoulders too.
I've taken a few days off, believe it or not - limited myself to just the swim, so I expect a burst of intensity next workout.
Get better, bro. Hope you can get a newfangled electric box or something and hope the ulcers and shingles clear up.
All the Best,