200 Down!!
Welp, here it is. 200lbs gone forever. Better than 1/2 way to my VERY lofty goal I have for myself and we're only 6.5 months into the race. Yeah, the loss has slowed pretty siginificantly but I am still more than happy with my progress to this point. My wife and family are just a little happy with me. For all you people thinking about this surgery, what I can tell you is, this was the best possible thing I could have done for myself. I have: more energy, stamina, i'm in a better mood, my wife now thinks she's married to an 18 year old nympho, ( 4 times in the past 36 hours with 2- 12 hour work shifts in between fellas !! ) , i sleep marvelously, I don't snore anymore, I fit in any chair I sit in, people don't stare at me like i'm a circus freak anymore, I DO NOT miss bad-for-you-food I barely ever feel guilty about eating anything did I happen to mention my wife is really happy with my progress and shows me? A lot. I owe my surgeon a big, wet sloppy smooch on his forehead. Instead, i'll shamelessly plug him here: William Todd Overcash, M.D. Ocala, Fl. 352.368.2828 :raises a glass dark with Maker's Mark: Here's to the next 144lbs. May they wander away from this carcass never to return. And to absent companions...
Congratulations!! Keep it Up!
(double entendre intended) Best Wishes- Dx
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable