Are there any Salespeople or Entrepreneurs here?

on 7/12/07 5:22 am - Oak Ridge, TN

I want to go into business for myself, but have been hesitant to take the plunge because of my weight/appearance. Is there anyone here that runs their own show? How has your business turned since the surgery? My last sales call was 12 years ago. I worked for a local weekly newspaper as an advertising salesman and was calling on small businessman. When he invited back to his office to talk I realized my backside was too wide to comfortably fit in the chair and he was so concerned about my comfort     “Are you ok?”    “You need me to get a chair from the lobby?”   (but looking back I know it was really a fear of me breaking his chair) that he paid little attention to my message. I decided to quit sales right then and there.

Now with the possibility of going back down to a reasonable weight I am getting my magazine ready, and I am wondering what others experiences have been.


Also, does anyone know of a business coach with sales experience?


on 7/12/07 6:19 am is a good site for lots of info, you can even get free advice from retired executives. I went thru them for advice on starting my own business, but like you, I had reservations until I lost the weight. My wife isn't a risk taker, so I pretty much gave up on it. Hard to start with 2 kids under 6, mortgage, etc. Had it been 20 years ago, I would have been all over the opportunity  Best of luck. Jim
Racing for the awareness and understanding of food allergies. 
Dx E
on 7/12/07 7:23 am - Northern, MS

Hey Sam, First- Welcome to the Men’s Board. I was full time free-lancer for 14 years before taking a fulltime job with the University and keeping my free-lance business on the side. I’m a Designer so the only thing I sell is my opinion on what something should look like. I haven’t found any change in my business one way or another due to the weight-loss, but have read many out here who have. Flying across country did get a lot easier. I’m with Jim on this one… Find a consultant that has actually succeeded in doing what you want to be doing, and spend a little on the pre-planning patterned on or going beyond, the success of another. Life in general gets much easier when the gravity gets turned down. No reason that career shouldn’t be easier to excel in either. Be wary of Consultants as a whole... There's a bunch of folks out there selling ideas and advice who've never put it into practice themselves. A places like "SCORE" or Janek- ( About Janek ) Have different approaches, but good marketplace reputations.... Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

(deactivated member)
on 7/12/07 8:19 am
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