Caffeine High??
Have any of you been given caffeine and you ended up feeling high from it? I think this happened to me a few days ago.
Background - I have had NO caffeine since my surgery 8.5 months ago.
So the other day I get a Venti decaf (or that is what I ordered) at Starbucks in the
Chris, It may be that you had just been "off" it for so long…. Or someone slipped you something… Wallet still there? Underwear on inside out? Just coffee? Not a SF something could have sugar in it by mistake? A small dose of sugar can make my heart race and give me a huge bloodsugar drop after, but I have no problem with the caffeine. I have De-caf about half the time, but full (extra strength) others. A typical order for me is a Venti Coffee with two added shots of expresso in it. If it made me "high" I’m be flyin’ for sure! Best Wishes- Dx
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
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