
on 7/10/07 11:55 am - valdosta, GA
thanks it means alot
Dx E
on 7/10/07 12:55 pm - Northern, MS
(deactivated member)
on 7/10/07 8:26 am - Houston, TX
My Friend Fred... of course all good thoughts pointed your way... you know me...I like being proactive.....LET'S KICK THIS THINGS AZZ!!!!! RUSS
on 7/10/07 9:20 am
Always with you CB.  Will continue to pry for your recovery, my friend.
on 7/10/07 3:37 pm - los angeles, CA
Dx E
on 7/10/07 4:23 pm - Northern, MS

Just Hang On…. Suk on top of suk is that one of the big symptoms of coming off Opiates Is intense backache. Perfect! I so feel for you! My "Bout with Pain" was so short in comparison… After nearly 2 months of Morphine, coming off of it at home was a killer. My solutions were- Heating pad on my feet as well as back And turn the TV up so I could Moan louder without disturbing others. Groan, moan, and get a massage when you can. Keeping you in our prayers! Best Wishes- Dx

on 7/11/07 3:15 pm - los angeles, CA
(deactivated member)
on 7/11/07 2:09 pm - MO
Fred, You've got a mountain to climb but you can climb it dude, one freaking small step at a time.   I'll be praying for you and I hope the Lord surrounds you with his strength and lovin care! BobM.
Beam me up Scottie
on 7/11/07 2:47 pm
Hey CB,  I am praying for you....and I hope your able to detox quickly and without too many withdrawl symptoms.   Scott
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