Not Dave and CB ... Is this new report true?

on 7/9/07 12:22 am - Upstate, SC
I have always been closer to a Dough-boy than a Charles Atlas type, but it seems that a new study confirms that the buff guys do end up with the girls ... .htm At least its a goal to shoot for..
Scott William
on 7/9/07 2:06 am
I can tell you my findings.  In the 30 years I was fat I had 3 sexual partners.  In the 1.5 years as a normal sized guy, I have had 1.  Therefore, my study concludes that I really need to get laid more dispite my size. Scott
on 7/9/07 1:13 pm - Schenectady, NY
On July 9, 2007 at 9:06 AM Pacific Time, Scott William wrote:
I can tell you my findings.  In the 30 years I was fat I had 3 sexual partners.  In the 1.5 years as a normal sized guy, I have had 1.  Therefore, my study concludes that I really need to get laid more dispite my size. Scott
LOL though not necessarily... in your fat years, you averaged one partner every 10 years. since surgery, you're averaging (so far) one partner every 1.5-2 years. sounds like a definite improvement to me

Pre: 324 Now: 185-190

on 7/9/07 2:15 am - AL
Of course, it's hard to find the causation here.  Maybe buff guys do better with women for "hookups" because that's what women want, or maybe it's because guys who work out a lot are, as a group, more aggressive in pursuing hookups. I did see a study recently that showed what the optimal height, weight, income, profession, eye color, etc., across some thousands of people on two dating websites.  It also assigned tradeoff-values to each characteristic (that is, a man of 5'9" has to make X thousand dollars more than a man of 6'0" to get the same "quality" girls). The data was based on the percentage of first dates the men got after initiating contact.  Only the researchers had the actual weight/height data, the date-ees had to use photos and self-reported descriptions (tall, medium build, etc.). Anyway, the optimal BMI for a man was about 27, I think; that is, technically overweight, though only just so.  Weighing more or less decreased your odds.  Optimal height was 6'2", though 5'11"-6'4" were all close to equal. For women, optimal height was 5'4" and optimal BMI was 19.
(deactivated member)
on 7/9/07 7:57 am - MO
Herb,  I just have to add my 2 cents in here, I have found it's not body type that gets the girls, it's how many compliments you pay the ladies, now they may think you are a snake in the grass later, but hey, that's later when you still have that....grin on.  Hee hee
Knotty Druid
on 7/9/07 11:23 am - MA
Before I had WLS, I had several female partners. My luck ran out when they figured out the fifties I was paying them were phoney. I told them "so what if the money is phoney, so are your titties", that didn't go over so well.
on 7/10/07 2:37 am - los angeles, CA
these guys crack me up herb!

anyway, i used to be a professional musician plus i worked in a free weight gym! dave plays too and all i can say is women love musicians. as for the buff part, i think if a man is confident then he's going to do well short or long term. once i stepped off the stage and put weight on of course i was less desirable. that really didn't matter either to me, well, not totally. it's no fun being fat for a ton of reasons, no pun inteneded.

i was lucky and have someone who's stuck by me no matter what i looked like. how lucky is that? carbonblob
NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 7/10/07 2:14 pm - Japan

Not sure, but when I've been buff, there's always been plenty of flirtation. Could be confidence, could be the dynamism side of working out or it could be hormonal (testo attracts women - supposedly).


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