CPAP Machine Question
Well Chris, I expected to feel more energetic too, because that's what I'd read. But to be honest with you, I have felt no more rested WITH the CPAP (BiPAP, in my case), then WITHOUT it. Plus, I hate the headgear. The only 'plus' I've noticed is that I don't wake up short of breath, and my mouth isn't bone-dry when I DO wake up.
I still use the dang machine, though, because the doctors SAY it's good for my heart, BP, and leg lymphadema. It would be nice if I felt more rested too, but that benefit hasn't happened for me.
Good luck,
I'm not an expert, but I had severe sleep apena before surgery. I took to my machine very well and never had a real problem with it. Since my surgery, I have come off of it. If you pressure is off in the least, it will cause you not to feel rested. It does take some getting used to and many people say they never do. I couldn't go without mine and it was very helpful to me. Best of luck.
Dothan, AL

Another thing to consider besides the pressure is the mask. I am claustrophobic, but only if something is covering my mouth or nose (needless to say I can't swim for that reason). I was unable to tolerate a cpap with nasal pillows. I would wake up several times a night, fighting the mask in my sleep, and went to work exhausted. After discussing this with my physician, we switched to a BiPap (more natural breathing pattern) with an oral mask due to my mouth breathing. What a difference this made. I did have to wear a strap to keep my mouth shut but within 2 days I was feeling so much more refreshed. As time went on I "graduated" to a full face mask but that took several tries to find one that fit and that I could tolerate. Don't give up on the cpap/bipap. With assistance from your respiratory technician or your physician, they should be able to find a happy medium.
Hawkeye Mike
Hi Chris, what you are getting right now is a lot more oxygen, but not more sleep. You will begin to get used to it and then get more rest. You may never feel like you get more rest until you forget it sometime on a trip...then you will realize just how much more rest you were getting than before. Just hang in there. It is never perfect. If you can do nasal pillows (particularly the new system), those work much better for me. I found I was waking up about just as much if my mask was lose. But instead of waking from a lack of oxygen (and risk of heart attack), I was waking because the mask leaked.
I am off mine now. Have been since about 5 months after surgery (forgot a piece of it on a trip).
(deactivated member)
on 7/9/07 7:35 am - MO
on 7/9/07 7:35 am - MO
Hey Chris,
No one had as much trouble as I did trying to use the blame cpap machine. The constant air pressure was a pain. I also talked to my doctor and he switched me to a bipap which breathes with you.
Yeah the mask is bothersome sometimes. As far as being more rested, I'm not sure, but what I noticed was during the day I didn't get tired in like driving where as before the machine it was an adventure to let me drive a couple of hundred miles.
Once I found 'the fit' I love my machine.
My CPAP literally saved my life. My apnea was so bad that I was not getting enough oxtgen and not getting rid of the CO2. My Ox levels fells to the mid 80s and my body was literally shutting down because of it. Once I went on the cpap everything got much better in a matter of 3 days. I love my machine but still don't wake up with tons of energy but do feel well rested.
Don't know if you are married, but if you are or have someone that can monitor you when you sleep, have them watch you sleep for a while to see if you are still stopping breathing or if your mask develops leaks.
It takes some getting use to, but once you get the hang on if, a CPAP can be a livesaver and really improve your general health.
I put in over 10,000 on my CPAP prior to RNY. Geting rid of it a few months ago was my biggest FART yet.
Hang in there, give yourself a while to adjust.