Another Goal weight question--

David S.
on 7/8/07 12:07 pm

Enjoyed the below post below, because I've been having the same question of determining the best goal weight.  I have set my original goal weight at 205.  I am 6'4, and my highest weight was about 350 lbs.  I too set this goal weight because it puts me at the top of the "normal" range.   One concern is that I have a "muscular build" and don't know how to adjust BMI calculations to determine what my ideal weight should be.  I've ordered an omron body fat % mini-machine as I'm hoping to get a better idea of what my body fat % is.   Up until this point, I have been holding out that my body would just "stop" losing weight when it got to a weight it liked.  I have also been EXTREMELY fortunate that it looks like I won't be shopping for plastic surgery. That is as long as long as the last bit of weight loss isn't brutal. Three questions for the group: 1.  Does anyone think I should be worried about my goal weight at this point?  I'm still losing weight fairly rapidly. 2.  If I decide to quit losing weight, is there really anything I can do to quit losing? 3.  If I try to do something to quit losing, would I be sabatoging my long-term weight maintenance? I appreciate any input you guys may have. --Dave,messageboard/action, replies/board_id,5479/cat_id,5079/topic_id,3340174/

Dave from AZ     
Dx E
on 7/8/07 2:32 pm - Northern, MS

Dave, Congratulations on your progress! And, I’m nominating you to be on our basketball team. We’ve got a bunch of really tall guys on this Board. Now- 1. Does anyone think I should be worried about my goal weight at this point? Nope. As long as you are getting in your nutrition and moving toward a "normal" life- i.e., not "living on shakes and supplements," then you sound fine. 2. If I decide to quit losing weight, is there really anything I can do to quit losing? Yep. Up your fat intake with "good fats," (mono-unsaturated) and that can easily bring your calorie intake up high enough without adding "poor food choices." 3. If I try to do something to quit losing, would I be sabotaging my long-term weight maintenance? Could be. Avoid any bingeing or diet mentality that could re-establish un-healthy lifestyle. The closer you get to goal, the slower your weightloss will be, but for the first 9 months? Focus on establishing life long habits, and exercise that’ll serve you long after the weight has left. If your bloodwork checks out ok, and your doc is pleased with your progress, then Halleluia! Keep it up! Best Wishes- Dx

1. Does anyone think I should be worried about my goal weight at this point? 2. If I decide to quit losing weight, is there really anything I can do to quit losing?3. If I try to do something to quit losing, would I be sabotaging my long-term weight maintenance?
David S.
on 7/9/07 10:30 am, edited 7/9/07 10:31 am


Dave from AZ     
David S.
on 7/9/07 10:32 am


Thanks a bunch for your reply.  The most exciting thing for me so far has been just how much I've been able to establish a healthier lifestyle, in relation to food, exercise, and even a few other aspects of my life.  I have been fortunate to be able to eat most "normal" foods.  Since my goal was to be more healthy, and I feel more healthy, I probably should just quit worrying, and focus on how far I've come vs. the unknown.  Dr. follow ups are coming up, and I'm pretty sure he's going to be excited about how far I've come!!! --Dave

Dave from AZ     
(deactivated member)
on 7/10/07 4:15 am
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