New to the mens forum
Hey guys,
Have been hanging out at the Cali board and thought I would also hang out with the GUYS!
To make a long story short, I have a surgery date on July 23.
I'm at that point were I'm questioning myself if I am making the right decision, and of course all the questions and concerns about what happens after the surgery.
I want to think I am mentally prepared for this, however I guess you do not really know until your there.
I look forward to meeting new friends and receiving the much needed support, I'm sure I will need.
Thanks to all my OH friends, and Greetings to all the guys
Via Con Dios Dudes,

John, Welcome to The Men’s Room! Pre-Op jitters are as common as deep navels out here! Read through some of the posts here and watch the Weekly Weigh-In thread for an idea of how some of the guys are doing. Throw out any questions and someone here more than likely has a story to swap about it. Hope you find all of the info, experience and support this bunch has to offer! Glad you found us. Best Wishes- Dx
Hello john & a big welcome.
Second-thoughts and wondering if we're doing the right thing are pretty common, so don't let their mere presence worry you. In your heart, you probably know if this the "right thing" in the sense that all other avenues have failed and you're weight and health have reached a point where lesser remedies seem inadequate and futile.
We're complicated beings and being mentally prepared is only part of what's going on--we have deep-seated emotions, probably feelings of despair (nothing's worked so far, has it?), and maybe a lack of confidence. Plus, society is all over the fat bashing big folks and giving us advice, blah-de-blah.
If you've been reading the men's forum, you'll see many success stories and "glad I did it, wish I'd done it sooner" stories. Fear is par for the course--but so are hope and joy.
Whatever you do, stay in touch with the Locker Room. You won't go wrong with that!
If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester
Hey John, great to see another Valley Dude in the Mens Locker Room.
I am 5 weeks out and I already feel so much better than I did before my surgery. Nerves and secound thoughts are common but everyone here has never had any regrets about their surgery. When the weight starts to drop you ask your self "why did I not do this sooner".