Question About Goal Weight?
Steve, My "Goal" was the second I got one little toe inside the Normal BMI Range. Oddly enough, I didn’t make any alterations to my eating in order to stay there. My weight loss just stopped. In your case, I’m gonna guess you have a little bit of extra skin? Take 5 to 10 pounds off your overall weight To account for that. Also, I’ve seen where Docs suggest higher bone density for those who have carried excess weight for multiple years. Figure in another 5 for that alone. Take the weight your at and knock 15 of the top, at least until you’ve had Plastic Surgery if you plan to. Once you hit a stable weight that is considered Healthy Then anything beyond that is merely aesthetic or to give you More speed or endurance in sports. Yes? Everyone sets goals for different reasons. Mine was to be healthy and I made it. Best Cholesterol scores of the county! Best Wishes- Dx