Troy Field
on 7/7/07 5:13 am - Bunker Hill, WV
Hey guys,
I knew I could turn to you guys for some help before I go rushing off and calling the doc for something stupid. I have this new pain in my right lower quadrant...about 3 inches from the ribs and 3 inches from my "waist". Very sharp at its worst and comes and goes for the most part. It's not the gallbladder, cuz that went in April. Not quite sure about the appendix...can WLS cause the appy to go like the GB? Stricture? HELP!!! Any thoughts other than "call the doc" would be appreciated.



on 7/7/07 5:58 am - Charlotte, NC
I am no medical person but I wonder if it could be your appendix? Have you had that removed? I know the appendix is in the lower right portion of your chest and that sounds like it may need to be checked out. If it gets worse or doesn't heal within a few hours I"d call the doc or go to the ER as you do not want to rupture the appendix. I have had several friends go through that and it can be very bad. Hope it gets better.
on 7/7/07 6:08 am - Deep in the Heart of, TX
RNY on 12/11/06 with
Troy, Are you getting lots of water? I get feelings like this when things get "backed up" as a result of insufficient hydration. Very common with the high protein diets we are on. Apply water, lots and lots of water. Good luck, hope you are feeling much better soon. JP
Cards Fan
on 7/7/07 6:55 am
Could be any number of that area could be gas, appendix, hernia and maybe dehydration as mentioned.  I'd get some Gas-X tablets asap and see if that relieves the pain.  I've been experiencing discomfort in that area in the mornings after getting out of bed and Gas-X does the trick rather quickly.  My gallbladder pain and hernia pain often felt very similar so it was difficult to tell.  Even after gb removal and hernia repair I still experiece similar pain but not as intense.   Hey let's face it - with the plumbing we have there's no telling what it is.  So always use the rule of thumb if it does not subside after a short period of time, err on the side of caution and call your doctor.  Appendix and hernias especially are not to be taken lightly. Cards Fan
on 7/7/07 10:26 am - Deep in the Heart of, TX
RNY on 12/11/06 with
I agree completely. If it were appendix, the pain SHOULD be accompanied with fever, but not always. I had not thought of hernia, but definitely potential there. Gas-x and water would be my advice, maybe some hot tea, with caffeine, to get things moving along. But as always, don't let a little problem become a big problem by ignoring it and hoping it goes away, as we men often do. If it persists very long, call/see your doctor. JP
Michael B.
on 7/7/07 12:28 pm - Gilbert, AZ
some lady at my wife's work had similar symptoms last week that also screemed gall bladder which we can rule out for you since you aint gotz yourz no more...anyway, she went to the ER and turned out when they imaged her they found she was "backed up" literally up to her upper chest! Nasty! ....I don't know if  you have been constipated or gassy, but if you are maybe try a glcerin suppository or gas-x and as the other guys mentioned, don't be a hero, if it doesn't go away soon get it checked out!

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Dx E
on 7/7/07 2:13 pm - Northern, MS

Troy, Sorry I have no info to offer. Sounds like a plumbing issue, so call a plumber. I always tend to F-It up worse when I try to fix things myself. If it’s just clogged pipes, Take some Milk of Magnesia, a lot of extra water, and see if that helps. Keep an eye on fever, and if the pain seems to get worse for any reason. Do drop a call to the message service of your surgeon… That "you broke it you own it" policy applies to Bariatric Surgeons. Could be one or more of a dozen or so problems, Or none of those at all…. Haven't heard of WLS causing subsequent Appendix problems, So even if that's it, it's not something I've seen out on the Boards before... Hope to hear it's passed and you’re feeling fine soon... Best Wishes- Dx

on 7/7/07 4:12 pm - San Francisco, CA
I had a kindey stone.
on 7/7/07 10:11 pm, edited 7/7/07 10:13 pm - Bradford, MA
Right lower quadrant is your appy. If it is just above you waist line and hurts to the touch, get it checked out before it gets hot and bursts. Even if it is questionable they will do something about it. We've done 3 this weekend on call, there must be something in the air.

7/15/07 - 225 pounds


on 7/8/07 6:52 am - Barboursville, WV

I had my appendix out when I was a kid. What I remember is that the pain kept getting worse, and it was steady, it didn't come and go.  It finally got to where I was walking humped over. It hurt worse when i tried to stand up straight.  With that said, lately I was having some similar pains and it was from dehydration. I had the same pain before and they bothed happened when on days I had drank very little. I drank as much as I could without discomfort for the next two hours and the pain went away.  pan head

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