Okay, first - the REALLY good news!
As many of you may remember, I spent pretty much the entire month of May in the hospital dealing with a pretty ugly case of bacterial meningitis. I nearly died.
One of the results of having been that sick, is my heart went back into a-fib, like it did from the anesthesia when I had my gastric bypass surgery. They did a cardioversion and corrected it then, but being sick put me back into a-fib.
I went to the cardiologist yesterday, and my heart is back into a normal rhythm! Yeehaw!!
Plus - I had to walk with a cane for the first few weeks after being sick and being bed-bound for nearly a month, but I don't need the cane anymore. My balance and leg strength have pretty much returned.
PLUS - I was able to be weighed in on the silly scales at the doctor's office that have a limit of 350 lbs for the first time.
PLUS - I was able to lay down on the little half-bed thing they have in the exam rooms.
PLUS - I can cross my legs for pretty much the first time EVER.
Can you smell the success? FARTing everywhere!!