Surgery date set, July 17th.
When I went to respond to you, I had to login but I forgot exactly how I had written my user name and which password I used. However, I don't mind that considering your prior post. As to this post, I just think how pathetic I was when I first went looking for a sugeon in 2000. There weren't the plethora of surgeons doing WLS at that time. The surgeon in my local hospital refused to operate on me because of my weight (duh?) and physical shape. However, he did give me contact info for other surgeons who might do the surgery. I chose one in New Brunswick which is about 100 miles round trip from my home. But, it's only about 5 miles from my brother and about 10 miles from my parents. My wife came to see me every day that I was in the hospital (since she works 30 miles from home, she was putting in 160 miles per day). I had to be hospitalized 2 days prior to surgery and was kept there for 2 weeks post-op. I was sent home by ambulance and spent the next several months in a hospital bed set up in my living room. Sometimes I just have to write all of this down to realize the sacrifices that people who love me have done for me.
I hope everything goes smoothly with your operation.
I didn't realize so many people have had to travel for surgery. Not sure how much my wife will get to come to the hospital. We own a company and she has payroll and daily work keeping the employees (12) working. . . I know she will be at the hospital the day of the surgery, then probably won't be back (unless complications****il I get released. The standard time here is 4 days. Unfortunately, I don't get to have the RN-y with the the small incisions. My doctor does the 6" split. . . Oh, well. . .