Johnny, First- Welcome to The Men’s Board! Glad you found the place. The most creative and dramatic cure for – "That Ice Cream in the freezer, calling to you late at night?" came from here- "****** it, and toss it out!" Some less memorable suggestions? * post above- and- For "salty snack Cravings?" Some catch themselves with a full out cracker binge going on. Best to "adjust" body chemistry (or total body pH.) With higher alkaline veggies/fruits- (The pH scale is from 0 to 14, with numbers below 7 acidic (low on oxygen) and numbers above 7 alkaline.)An acidic body tends to respond with salt and sweet cravings.) Try to keep the place overly stocked up on low-cal-high alkaline stuff- I usually keep a tuperware thing full of "free" veggies: Radishes, Cucumbers, Zucchini, Grape tomatoes, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Mushrooms, and green onions on hand. Also keep some sort of "High-Protein Dip" 1 part Nonfat sour cream-1 part no-fat-cream cheese, with a pack of Knorr Veggie Dip Mix in the fridge. That, or red pepper or black olive humus. Those crunchy things curb my urge to chew, they provide a low calorie alternative to "bad" choices, and they work to raise the Ph level of the body, which in turn turns down the cravings. I used to rely on such stuff a lot, but eventually It’s just habit now. I eat ‘by the clock’ and don’t find myself wanting to snack or graze like I did between year on and two post-op. Distraction with alternate activity is also helpful. Make the deal with yourself- "I’ll have something- When I get back from this walk…When I finish clearing through these papers, when I …whatever. Most "urges" last about 10 minutes. Get past that 10 by substituting an activity And you’ve got the big part beat already. The "just general snacking? If not "chemically inspired" by low Ph balance, It could just be that the old "Food to Emotions" connections made over a long period of time Are still functioning quite well. Could be "Emotional Eating." Scrap up some $ and spring for a therapist. A little ‘talk therapy’ aimed at giving you coping mechanisms and ways of breaking old patterns / connections of thought. In the meantime? Scour the house of all things "snack-able." And don’t just "toss ‘em in the trash." When no one is looking many have felt the call of an un-opened box of crackers, Calling from the kitchen trash…. Destroy the potential. Crumble the crackers! SF Ice Cream down the garbage disposal! (or **** in it first!) Same with the cheese- Flu****! And then go about distracting thoughts from thinking about it. It’ll feel like a huge waste of money, waste of value, But just pull out the bill for the surgery and some plus sized clothes and keep adding up the costs of tossed snacks… One can sling otherwise perfect food into the garbage disposal At an alarming rate, for quite a while Before even scratching the surface of the additional costs of being Obese. Yes? Get a nice counselor who can help you figure out what triggers your snack-urge And they will have or will help come up with, ways to overcome the urges. I’m sure there will be plenty of suggestions in this thread… The "Exercise Gurus" have plenty of info to share... Distract, stock up on better snack options, clear out temptations, etc... For those who have a mental connection with food and stress comfort (as do most Obese) Working on the "Head games" is the ultimate way to finally get past a struggle to maintain. I’ll throw some old- Re-posts above. Glad to have you here… Hope some of this is useful… Best Wishes- Dx
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable