Workout Routine Update on Profile & in this Post
Hi Guys,
Still busy, but got on a roll and updated my profile. Hope you are all well. If you're interested, here it is. It's pretty damned crazy!
New Typical Routine - Please keep in mind that my body responds well to high quantity training and I may even be immune to "overtraining", the verdict is still out. In addition, my back muscles and connective tissue are very flexible. As Dx says, "Your mileage may vary."
(Here's to the King of WLS support on line!)
Mental: All types of sports and motivational self-hypnosis, including HDD by Lloyd Glauberman, performed regularly
Cardio: I tried the new trend HIIT. I'm saying trend and not "trendy", because the exercise is too damned intense to be trendy. The only other cardio I do is swimming 40 minutes, once a week. This gives me one high-rep activity on the arms.
Weights: I do 3-5 reps to failure exclusively with 3 minutes rest in between and little supersetting, because this seems to provide a good balance of effects, from strength (now working out with 370 on deadlifts), to size and tone (see pics). I think supersetting and high rep stuff are good, but there's no way I can even get close to the 85% cardio max on a superset, so I save my high rep work for track and bike sprinting, which I do 5-7 times a week (+that once a week swim I mentioned above).
Exercises (by order of priority - Priority = Total body strength & Injury Prevention):
Weekday 1
Compound exercises of the back are my number one priority since when done carefully and correctly, they tend to strengthen the whole body and help prevent injury:
Deadlifts 6-8 sets; Bent over rows 6-8 sets; Behind neck pullups 3-4 sets;
Narrow grip sitting cable pulldowns to waist 3-4 sets, Machine lat rows 3-4
sets, Rotational machine lat rows (rotational pad to the rear 3-4 sets).
Weekday 2 Shoulders & Serratus are my number two priority, since thesemuscles help prevent injury and increase ability to do chest workouts:
Overhead presses 6-8 sets; Upright rows 6-8 sets; Dumbbell rows with one knee, one hand on a bench 3-4 sets; Straight-arm barbell pullovers 2 sets; Double dumbbell pullovers 3-4 sets; Single heavy dumbbell pullovers (both hands holding single dumbbell (done together then separately, crossing in the middle) 4 sets; Lateral Dumbbell deltoid raises (one of my few superset concessions), 3-4 sets; Alternating 10-15-20 kgs. vertical weight plate swings (nose level to waist level) to exhaustion.
Weekday 3 Legs only, Upper body needs a break:
Squats 4 sets; Front Squats 4 sets; Lunges 4 sets
Weekday 4 Chest - I do this as far away from shoulders as possible, since there is so much overlap, particularly in the use of the deltoids, and even the chest. Wanna work your chest? Give up some of the bench time for
more military presses on a seperate day. You see what I'm getting at... (maybe?)
The setup I have here borders on insane...I know!
I have to thank my wife for letting me create my own men's testo world in the basement: Weights, bike trainer, every power tool you can imagine. How can I help but be hormonally challenged? lol
1. Incline dumbbell presses - To get enough weight I have 78 lb dumbbells hanging from the ceiling. When you get to this weight, no one will lift it up for you and you'll kill yourself trying to get those babies in position. (4-8 sets)
2. Forward "chain & handle" shrugs - This is one of my few "supersets". I do forward shrugs with self-constructed chains and handles that attach to theend of a barbell. I do these in between each set of 1, above and then rest for three minutes.
3. 120 lb dumbbell shrugs (4 sets each side) - I shrug my shoulders inward.
Again, I have to use the dumbbells which are hanging from the ceiling.
4. Decline presses, wide grip 2-3 sets; close grip 2-3 sets
5. Dips 79 kg body weight + 44 lbs attached to homemade weight belt
(leather belt with chain and hook which encircles the plate through the barhole. (3 sets)
6. Dumbell flies on flat bench, 3-4 sets, Rotational machine flies, 3-4 sets.
Day 5 - Rest and repeat, maybe improvise a little with a partner
If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester
Hi Doug!
It's the chains! With chains from the ceiling...hehe...I can do anything! (whip noise...Vincent Price type lollollollol)
May be the mental training more than anything. As soon as I did my first exercise and mental toughness self hypnosis routines, I was convinced that I wanted weights attached to hands whenever possible.
Always Good to Hear from You,
Those also sound like pretty good weights. I've always felt that MO people have to be considerably stronger. Keep up the training, especially since you'll have a flood of testo in your bloodstream as you lose weight. I think it's necessary to experiment to see if your weight training results match the amount of effort and time your put in. It seems that for some, more than once a week on any body part is too much, while for others, same body part three times a week is fine.
See you up here again soon,
Hi CB,
I should do some leg curl, but with the deadlifts and the bike and track sprint work, I figure they are covered. I'll try the shoulder work. Deltoids are a different animal, you have to do down sometimes for form, don't you?
I'm really having some replacement addictions here! But having fun. Curiosity is what keeps me going - seeing how far I can go and wondering where it will end. Hell, I've started wrapping everything recently - gloves with wrist support, elbow wraps, knee wraps, everything but a waist belt!
Hope You're Well,
i know what you mean about the wrapping. i have a belt but i also have wrist and elbow wraps when i work out. i really need the elbow wraps most of all. i find the wraps and a warm up usually keep me limber enough.
as for the shoulders, you know there's three heads. in, out and side. so i do those parts plus i also shrug and do pull ups. i do the pull ups on back days though. and yep, delts are a really small muscle so you don't need big numbers for them except for the military press. i do side dumbells with just 40# and it feels like a ton for me. militaries for the front and i use my machine for the back heads. pull ups are 125# and shrugs are 255#. not big weights but like you said, i try to keep perfect form and those numbers allow that. of course cheating has its place too so sometimes i'll up the weight just for shock value. my shoulders are really responding this year to the new routine.
i forgot about your deadlifts. of course that's about the best for ham workouts. i see you do a lot of back work. when you think of it, the basics cover just about everything. so all your back work is really helping all the other parts. i see you use a lot of rowing. again, a super way to make every part of you gain. that's what i've been doing. back to basics. bench, curl, squats and pressing. i can't believe how well i've been responding to just those exercises. i've put on inches in just the last 8 weeks. later.....carbonblob
on 6/18/07 12:05 pm - Houston, TX
Good luck on the Seroma, Russ! Don't worry, I don't bite! lol.
I've had one or two that were really strange, almost like high school kids playing around and I didn't respond. Anyone in any institution, in any condition can contact us. But, I think the distance keeps them off me. Or maybe I'm just too weird for them!