Howdy Guys, (New to this forum)
Got Relatives that call the same fried dough- Fry bread or Oliebollen, Just depending on if you eat it with jam or not! Two sides of the world, getting’ Fat on the same food! Glad you clicked the link here! I’m 4 years out, and went from 385+ a bit, Down to my constant 179 to 185 range for the last nearly 3 years. I had a panniculectomy to lop off a little skin last summer And I love it! Everything else ‘drew up’ pretty well. Several guys here have had PS in the last couple of years, And there are a handful of 4 year or more guys here still. Jump on in with thoughts, advice and questions! Sort of like an all request radio station- Only as good as the requests. Welcome to the Men’s Forum! Best Wishes- Dx
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
on 6/14/07 10:41 pm - Houston, TX